Health Vs Diseases

By Thiruvelan, 23 June, 2010

Nowadays, life becomes more straightforward and easy; however, exposing to too much chemicals/radiations and disconnected from nature. Everything we need is just a phone call away; this prevents us from physical exercises needed to be healthy. 

Modern Lifestyle; Isolated from NATURE

Learn to be healthy

As per Ayurveda, if you live as close to nature as possible, then you can able to lead a healthy life; otherwise, you will have to face health issues.

Global health issues indicates our disconnection from NATURE.

Our modern lifestyle keeps us away from nature; this is the primary reason for most of the health problems of modern life. Most of the time, we are within four walls in an air-conditioned room; that is away from trees, sunlight, earth, fresh air, and spring or river water.

Our modern lifestyle is out of synch with nature and which in-turn out of synch with our DNA.

There is no doubt that advances in modern medicine and other technologies have increased our average life expectancy and decreased child mortality rates.

Modern day’s lifestyle that include smoking, alcohol drinking, inappropriate diets and the deskbound daily routine is responsible for challenging health problems. Additionally reasons are exposure to thousands of chemical substances.

We conquered typhoid, malaria, leprosy, tuberculosis, and smallpox using antibiotics. However, we are struggling to control diabetes, hypertension, insomnia, heart disease, and asthma. Because they are not causing by germ or bacteria; instead, caused by faulty lifestyle.

One in every four couples is unable to conceive due to problems with conception and miscarriage. Fertility (7th dhatu-tissue as per Ayurveda) is a leading indicator of the health of an organism. It indicates one in 8 of us are not healthy enough to reproduce; this is a significant clue.

Studies have been blaming obesity for the development of metabolic syndrome and numerous health conditions.

Want Health! Avoid ten unhealthy things

Many believed inherited traits (defective genes) determines the longevity and quality of life. However, the truth is the things you put into your body & mind determines your lifespan and state of health.

As per Ayurveda, many things contribute to your health complaints, they are: 

  1. Eating unreal foods – such as milk & milk products from growth hormone injected cows, foods from genetically modified organisms (GMO), and junk foods loaded with chemicals.
  2. Eating in a wrong way – How you eat is more important than what you eat. Even eating the wrong food in the right way is better than eating the right food wrongly.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle – Low or no physical activity due to modern machines. Long sitting hours (mostly in front of computer, TV, Mobile phones, tabs, laptops, etc.). Many studies confirm that an active lifestyle can help prevent 85% of these diseases.
  4. Stress and psychological problems (anxiety, anger, depression, etc.) – Life would be stressful specifically for present-day people. Researchers estimate that stress contributes to as many as 80 percents of all major illnesses. One study found people who live to 100 years have distinct ability to manage stress (i.e., take it easy).
  5. Not exposing to sunlight (vitamin D deficiency) - For the past 40 years, doctors advised us not to expose to direct sunlight. Because they consider sunlight's UV rays will damage skin and cause skin cancer. We all feel better when exposing to sunlight; why? Because your skin receives vitamin D from sunlight; additionally, it makes beta-endorphins (makes you feel better) and nitric oxide (help lower blood pressure).
  6. Chemical exposures - Harmful chemicals such as Phthalates are in the scented soaps, shampoos, and cleaners. Foods packed with bisphenol-A (BPA) contamination. Pesticides meant to kill an insect, but they can also affect (killing) you. Chemical fertilizers and household insecticides, it not only kill insects also affects your health (killing us slowly). Air you breathe contains carbon monoxide, dust, and other harmful chemicals. Chorine, fluorides, and other chemicals in your drinking water.
  7. Improper sallow breathing – If you see a newborn baby, its belly expands fully while inhaling and shrinks while exhaling. But while growing, your breathing pattern disturbed due to too much stress in your life. Just place your hand on your belly and note your breath; most people feel expansion of belly while exhaling and shrink while inhaling. It is the wrong way of breathing due to too much stress.
  8. Inadequate Sleep - “Early to bed and early from bed” will keep us healthy. However, most of us are going late to bed and waking late from bed. It will disturb the nighttime natural healing process, which could lead to disease.
  9. Antibiotic & antiseptic abuse – Overuse of antibiotics compromise the gut microbiome and immune system. It causes antibiotic resistance and leads to superbug resistant to antibiotics. Antibacterial cleaning products may produce bacterial strains that are resistant to antibiotics.
  10. Electromagnetic Pollutions - are from cordless phones, wireless devices (such as a wireless router, hot spot, or other WI-FI), cell phones and cell phone towers. This radiation affects your DNA and jeopardizing the health of future generations. Research shows cell phone radiation exposure can cause a dramatic decline in sperm count.

Most natural health professionals believe that your body was designed to stay healthy. Your body will always work in the direction of health, not in the course of the disease. When it's diseased, and struggling to recover from an illness, it means your body is not receiving everything it needs to get the job done right.

Cut down on refined sugars, processed fructose, grains, and flours, as they promote insulin and leptin resistance, which underlies all disease virtually. You must take the time to cook from scratch. If you rely on industrial processed items to prepare your food, you are going to die prematurely.

Health conditions statistics

Millions of people suffer from chronic illnesses that can be prevented or improved through lifestyle changes.

  • 17 million people have diabetes, 90 to 95% of them are type 2 diabetes associated with an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • 16 million people have ‘pre-diabetes’.
  • 50 million people have high blood pressure.
  • 12.6 million have coronary heart disease. And 1.1 million people suffer from a heart attack every year.

In a 1993 study, 14 % of all deaths in the United States attributed to activity patterns and diet. Another study linked sedentary lifestyles to 23 % of deaths from major chronic diseases.

Physical activity was shown to reduce the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, and high blood pressure.

As a result of industrial agricultural practices, foods simply are not as nutrient-dense as they used to be.

As a result of industrial, agricultural practices, foods are not as nutrient-dense as they used to be. To receive the same amount of iron, you used to get from one apple in 1950, by 1998 you had to eat 26 apples. That is why we require supplements to fulfill our nutritional needs.

Want to be healthy! Cut down on refined sugars, processed fructose, grains, and flours, as they promote insulin and leptin resistance, which underlies all disease virtually. You must take the time to cook from scratch. If you rely on industrial processed ingredients to prepare your food, you are going to die prematurely.

Why I name this site as healthy-ojas?

Many of my friends and visitors frequently ask why I name this site as healthy-ojas and what it means?

Ojas is a Sanskrit word that means "vigor."  Ojas is the first thing formed in the body. Once ojas destroyed, the human being will perish.

Ojas has a color of ghee, taste of honey, and smell of fried paddy.

Ojas refers to the essential energy responsible for vitality, immunity, strength, maintain youthfulness, radiance, and psycho-emotional resiliency.

Healthy vital energy (ojas) is required to maintain health or to recover lost health. Thus I named this domain as healthy-ojas.

Ojas depletion may be due to faulty digestion, as well as living a life filled with excess stress and other unhealthy activity. Thus improving digestion and changing to a healthy lifestyle help to improve/increase your ojas (vital energy).