The main goals of angina treatment are to reduce pain and discomfort, prevent, or lower the risk of heart attack by treating the underlying heart condition.
Angina Treatment
Lifestyle changes and medications may be enough for the treatments if the symptoms are mild. When lifestyle changes and medication does not produce expected relief to then may need medical procedures or cardiac rehabilitation.
Unstable angina is a serious emergency condition that requires hospital treatment.
Lifestyle Changes for angina
Making lifestyle changes can help prevent episodes of angina. You can:
- Take a rest if angina comes on with exertion.
- Avoid heavy rich foods, if angina comes on in similar instance.
- Avoid situations or learn to handle mental upset or stress.
In addition, visit therapeutic lifestyle changes for high-cholesterol section for more information and tips.
Medicines for angina
Nitrates are commonly useful to treat angina; they relax, widen blood vessels, and allow more blood to flow to the heart thus reducing its workload.
Nitroglycerin is the most preferred nitrate for treatment of angina; it can dissolve under the tongue, and it acts too slowly to relieve an angina episode. Nitroglycerin is available in pills and skin patches.
Other medications used for the treatment of angina may include beta-blockers, calcium-channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, oral antiplatelet medicines, and anticoagulants. These medications can help to:
- Reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels
- Slows down the heart rate and reduces heart strain
- Widen blood vessels
- Prevent the formation of blood clots
Cardiac rehabilitation as angina treatment
The cardiac rehabilitation team contains many specialists; they include doctors, nurses, exercise specialists, physical therapists, dietitians, and psychologists or behavioral therapists.
Rehabilitation has two parts:
- Training for exercise – teaches safe exercising, strengthens muscles, and improves stamina. Exercise plan based on the individual abilities, needs, and interests.
- Education and counseling - helps to understand the heart condition and tips to avoid or reduce the risks of future heart problems. Educate to handle the stressful situation or plan to reduce its instances and deal with the fear of future.