Humanmade fats are mostly bad and unhealthy including trans-fats and solvent extracted oils. You can lower your LDL and raise HDL by avoiding these bad.
In 1990, a Dutch study reported that Trans fatty acids hurt serum cholesterol. Harvard School of Public Health researchers said that heart disease, breast and prostate cancers linked to increased intakes of Trans fatty acids.
A study "Intake of trans-fat and all-cause mortality in the Reasons for Geographical and Racial Differences in the Stroke (REGARDS) cohort" is published in the American Journal Clinical Nutrition May 2013 049064. The study shows a high intake of trans-fat associated with an increased risk of mortality.
In November 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration made the belated determination; the partially hydrogenated oils (Trans-fats) could no longer be “generally regarded as safe.” At the press, they declared it as preliminary but expected to become permanent. If it happens, it virtually eliminates industrially-produced trans-fats in the U.S.; this can save thousands of lives every year.
First Trans fat
In 1911, Procter and Gamble started marketing Crisco derived from Crystallized Cottonseed Oil. Crisco is the first trans-fat in the market.
Ingesting trans fats increases LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream and reduces the HDL cholesterol. Additionally, trans fats cause inflammation. Inflammation leads to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other chronic conditions.
Trains-fats prolong the shelf life of the manufactured foods such as baked & frozen foods, chips, and fast foods. They are so cheap and behave the same as saturated fats in foods.
For years, medical experts, government agencies Food and Drug Administration, American Heart Association (AHA) urged to abandon traditional saturated fats for partially hydrogenated oils to reduce the risk of heart disease. These organizations popularize trans-fats as healthier for the heart than butter.
Trans fat is not digestion-friendly and unhealthy. On the contrary, natural saturated fat is considering healthy when in moderation.
Even small amounts of trans fats can harm health. For every 2% of calories from trans-fat consumption daily, increases the heart risk by 23%. Reference: "Trans Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease." Published in the New England Journal of Medicine 2006; 354:1601-1613April 13, 2006.
The Dangers of Trans Fats (Margarine) – Bad fats
Once Margarine (hydrogenated vegetable oil) is considering as a heart-healthy alternative to butter. Most people believe butter contains much cholesterol and saturated fat; whereas margarine produced from unsaturated vegetable oils, so margarine is considering as healthy.
However, latest research showed margarine worsens the heart than butter. Humanmade margarine is hard to digest and absorb properly by the human body; because it is different from nature. Margarine increases LDL-C and decreases HDL-C levels. Additionally, it increases the risk of insulin resistance, heart attack, and stroke risk; this is due to inflammation and induces the immune system to overact. Even a small quantity of Trans-fat consumption is detrimental to your health.
MARY ENIG was a graduate student of biochemistry at the University of Maryland. She draws attention to the dangers of Trans-fats. She submitted her findings to the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) and published in the Federation Proceedings in July 1978. Her finding suggested Trans-fats might play a role in increasing cancer risks, and it required further investigation.
How trans-fat affects us severely?
The synthetic trans-fat is non-bio-active; it means your body cannot use it. The small intestine absorbs and released into the bloodstream as chylomicrons; just like their bioactive natural counterparts. However, when the cells tried to use them for metabolic purposes; it binds with enzymes, inhibits its working, and causing undesirable effects (stiffening of the membrane).
How do you recognize the existence of Trans-fats?
Trans-fats are the worst offender. However, manufacturers can claim their product has no Trans-fats; when there is less than half a gram per serving. Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil in an ingredient label shows the presence of trans-fat in the product.