The concept of acupressure originated in China more than 2000 years, still in use today. This is a testimony to its effectiveness in the treatment.
Acupressure principle - As per Chinese principle, Qi (vital energy) circulates through natural pathways in the body called meridians. Blockage of this flow causes illness and pain. The Chinese discovered a gentle healing art by pressing certain specific points in the body with the help of the thumb or blunt object to turn on its self-healing mechanisms.
Acupressure to reduce cholesterol
Many patients find cholesterol acupressure has decreased their cholesterol by normalizing qi flow and provide improved health.
According to Chinese medical theory, there are four patterns of high cholesterol; they are:
- Damp-Phlegm lungs & spleen: It refers to the turbid or dirty aspect of body fluids, which collects in the vessels.
- Blood Stasis: It refers to a pathology in which the blood flow through the vessels becomes slower or block due to various reasons.
- Spleen (pancreas) and Stomach Deficiency: It refers to the low operating level of these organs, so excess levels of damp and phlegm may generate in the system.
- Liver and Kidney deficiency: It refers to a low operating level of this organ system, generates excess heat, which solidifies or coagulates the body fluids, including dampness and phlegm.
The reader may take note that the above references pertain to Chinese medical principles and do not correlate to the allopathic medicine perspective.
If you find this difficult to decide based on the TCM diagnosis, then you can go for simplified acupressure treatment for cholesterol.
Damp phlegm Lungs & Spleen - cholesterol healing
Symptoms of damp phlegm lungs and spleen: Health problems such as chronic or recurrent thrush, sinusitis, and bronchitis, to name a few are expressions of internal damp and/or phlegm. The spleen-pancreas is deficient; hence, the fluids have incorrectly transformed and transported. The tongue has a thick sticky white coat. Pulse is slippery or weak, floating & fine.
Acupressure Points for high cholesterol due to damp phlegm lungs & spleen.
- LU 5 - resolve phlegm
- LU 7 - restore the descending function of the lungs, alleviate a cough
- LU 1 - Lungs Mu, clear excess, asthma, resolve phlegm
- ST 40 - resolve phlegm
- CV 17 - restore the descending function of the lungs
- UB 13 - Lungs Shu
- If chronic, tone Spleen - UB 20, Spleen Shu
Blood Stasis - cholesterol healing
Symptoms of blood stasis:
- Subtle to pronounce darkening of complexion; tongue, nails, etc. The tongue is purple or bluish-purple in the case of Cold, or reddish-purple in the case of Heat.
- Blood Stasis is associated with pain, which stays in one location and is boring (in contrast to Qi Stagnation pain, which tends to move).
- The liver is the most likely organ affected by blood stasis through the Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Intestines, and Uterus frequently are affected.
- Menstrual dark blood clots, some tumors or other growths, and recurring hemorrhages are all may be due to blood stasis preventing proper blood flow.
Acupressure points for high cholesterol due to blood stasis.
- BL 17 - Improves Blood and chi circulation,
- SP 6 - control and regulate appetite,
- ST 36 - tone stomach and spleen qi,
- SP 10 - profound effect on blood disorders,
- UB 40 - eliminates blood stasis,
- UB 17 - useful to build and nourish the blood
Spleen/Stomach deficiency - cholesterol healing
Spleen/stomach is the main source of the life-sustaining postnatal energy. Healthy spleen indicates an optimal absorption and distribution of essence (vital energy). Thus, the entire body will get the nutrients and so whole-body nourishes.
Although it is primarily the lung, which governs bodily qi, and the heart, which governs blood, the spleen is the physical center, which is the source of both the body's qi and blood. Both vital substances are from the transformations of food essence.
Symptoms of spleen/stomach deficiency: Fatigue, loose stool, poor appetite, dizziness, pale face, weak voice (reluctance to speak), and sweating with little/no exertion.
Acupressure points for high cholesterol due to spleen/stomach deficiency.
- SP 4 - Fatigue, nausea, indigestion,
- ST 36 - tone stomach/spleen qi,
- CV 12 - tone stomach/spleen qi,
- UB 20 - spleen shu,
- UB 21 – is “stomach shu.”
Kidney and Liver deficiency - cholesterol healing
General weakness and malnourishment of the Kidneys & Liver, an irregular sex life may be the origin of this pattern.
Symptoms of kidney liver deficiency: Absence of menstruation for a significant period of time, a thin body, dizziness, heart palpitations, back & knee soreness, insomnia sleeplessness, sleep disturbance by dreams, chest congestion, anxiety, hot flashes, excessive perspiration, red tongue & body, absence of tongue coating (or cracks on the tongue), and a wiry-rapid-thin pulse.
Acupressure points for high cholesterol due to kidney-liver deficiency.
- KD 3 - tone KD Qi, Yin or Yang from any etiology
- KD 4 - chronic KD deficient low back pain, local for heel/ankle
- KD 10 - tone Liver
- UB 52 - tone Kidney, effect willpower
- LV 3 - Shu stream; liver Qi Stagnation & Tone liver Yin; liver Yang rising
Is Acupressure safe?
Vigorous acupressure may cause bruising in sensitive individuals.
Acupressure is generally safe; there are no publications about any serious complications, despite millions of treatments every year. Self-administered acupressure is also safer after proper training.