Most common risk factors of heart attack are having coronary heart diseases, already had angina episode, and have high cholesterol, high pressure, diabetes, and/or overweight.
Controllable Heart-attack risk factors
- Smoking – plan to quit
- High blood pressure – try to keep it near normal range
- Hyperlipidemia - try to keep it at the safe range
- Overweight and obesity – workout to reduce in steps
- Physical inactivity – increase physical activity by exercising regularly
- Diabetes – keep it in control with medication and therapeutic lifestyle changes
Uncontrollable Heart-attack risk factors
- Age – growing older increases the risk for men over 45 years and for women over 55 years (mostly after menopause)
- Family history of early coronary heart disease - risk increases if father or brother diagnoses with coronary heart disease before age 55, and mother or a sister was diagnoses before age 65.
A person with metabolic syndrome has twice the chance to develop heart disease and five times the chance to develop diabetes as someone without metabolic syndrome.