Some common risk factors of stroke are age, hereditary, gender, prior stroke, other diseases conditions, and lifestyle.
Risk factor of stroke can classify into two major types; they are the risk factors that are controllable and that are uncontrollable.
Uncontrollable Risk factors of stroke
- Aging doubled the chances of having a stroke each 10 years of life after 55. Stroke is most common among the elderly; still a lot under 65 also have strokes.
- Heredity increases the chances of stroke, if a parent, grandparent, sister, or brother had a stroke.
- Gender, Stroke is more common in men than women are. However, more than 50 % of total stroke deaths occur in women may be due to birth control pills and pregnancy.
- TIA, Prior stroke, or heart attack increases the risk of having another by almost 10 times.
Controllable Risk factors of stroke
- High blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke. Effective treatment for blood pressure reduces the major risk factor of stroke.
- Smoking fumes to contain nicotine and carbon monoxide that are one of the major stroke-causing factors. Quit smoking and avoid exposing to second-hand smoking.
- Heart disease increases the risk, but can manage with proper medication and following therapeutic lifestyle. Discuss with your doctor about aspirin therapy.
- Diabetes can affect nerves and blood vessels, but can control by proper diabetic care.
- Hyperlipidemia, in particular, low level of HDL-good cholesterol increases the chances of having a stroke. However, it can keep in control by therapeutic lifestyle changes and if needed with medication.
- Physically inactive and obesity increases the chance of having high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Try to lower weight by healthy diet and increased physical activity.