Weak muscles or nerve damage can cause bladder control problems. Based on the cause and symptom bladder problems are of different types.
Each bladder control problem is different. Some of the common causes of bladder control problems are:
- weak muscles,
- damaged nerves,
- Medicine that dulls the nerves
Bladder control problem types
Bladder control problems of incontinence have different types. Six most common types of incontinence are:
Temporary incontinence - The name itself explains this incontinence does not last longer. It may be due to an illness, like a urinary tract infection, that causes frequent and sudden urination difficult to control or may be due to unexpected side effects of the medicine that increases the urination. As soon as you correct the cause then the temporary incontinence problem vanishes.
Stress incontinence - Produce urine leak when cough, laugh, sneeze, or exercise. This stress means physical pressure (pressure on the bladder) and not mental stress. When the pelvic and sphincter muscles are strong, they can handle the extra pressure from a cough, sneeze, exercise, or laugh. However, when those muscles are weak, then sudden pressure will expel urine out of the bladder.
Urge incontinence - It causes a urine leak after a strong, sudden urge to urinate. Nerve damage from diabetes, stroke, infection, or another medical condition may cause urge incontinence.
Mixed incontinence - It causes a urine leak due to mix of stress and urge incontinence. You may leak urine with a laugh or sneeze at one time and after a strong, sudden urge at another time.
Functional incontinence - Functional incontinence causes urine leakage because of functional problems such as cannot walk nor have other mobility problems.
Overactive bladder - Overactive bladder causes increase urination frequency. One who has overactive bladder needs to urinate eight or more times a day, and two or more times each night. Symptoms may be strong, sudden urges to urinate, and may or may not have urged incontinence.