Prolong diabetes in men and women may damage nerves, thus causing urologic problems that may include bladder problems and urinary tract infections.
How urination does occur?
Urination (micturition) involves urinary tract and the brain. The need to urinate is sensed when the volume of urine reaches about one-half of the bladder's capacity. The brain waits until the person initiates urination.
Once urination has been initiated, the nervous system commands the detrusor muscle (smooth muscle that surrounds the bladder) to contract, bladder to increase pressure and expel urine until the bladder empties. Once empty, pressure falls and the bladder and detrusor relax and resume its normal shape.
Diabetic bladder problems
Chances of developing urinary incontinence, or poor bladder control, are much higher in diabetes than non-diabetes.
Men and women with diabetes commonly have bladder symptoms that may include:
- A feeling of urinary urgency
- Frequency
- Getting up at night to urinate often
- Leakage of urine (incontinence)
These symptoms are of overactive bladder (or urge incontinence).
Fewer common, but severe bladder problems associated with diabetes include:
- Difficulty urination
- Urine retention, failure to emptying
Neurogenic bladder causes these symptoms. This problem occurs in diabetes at earlier ages than in those without diabetes. In neurogenic bladder problems associated with nerve damage causing urinary incontinence or retention.