How does a diabetes mother's baby is affected?
Macrosomia - means giant baby, babies of diabetic women are apt to be bigger than others are. The reason behind this is due to the interchange of the mother's blood with the fetus. Too much of glucose in the mother's blood makes the baby's pancreas to produce more insulin to use the glucose. And converts this extra glucose to the fat that leads to the giant baby.
Sometimes the baby gets too big to deliver vaginally, and a cesarean delivery becomes necessary.
Newborn baby with hypoglycemia - Sometimes the infant baby of a diabetic mother will have been very low blood-glucose immediately after delivery. If the baby is in the womb, the baby’s body experiencing increased insulin secretion due to the high glucose level in the mother's blood. Even after delivery, the baby continuously secretes high levels of insulin, so its glucose level drops quickly.
Check low levels of glucose/calcium/magnesium in the blood -Immediately after birth, they check the baby's blood glucose. Also, they may need to inject glucose intravenously to avoid low sugar. Babies also may have decreased serum calcium or magnesium levels. Therefore, the baby may need special tests and treatments right after birth.
Why is hypoglycemia in the newborn a concern?
Brain's primary source of energy comes from blood-glucose; low level of glucose can impair the brain's ability to function. Severe or prolonged glucose shortage may even cause seizures and severe brain injury.
Hypoglycemia symptoms in the newborn baby
Each baby may experience different symptoms; most common symptoms may include jitteriness, lethargy, seizures, blue coloring, stopping breathing (apnea), decreased body temperature, dull body tone, and low feeding.