Coma is an unconscious state; patient cannot be able to respond for external environmental stimulus such as light, sound, etc. Coma caused by diabetes is called as Diabetic Coma.
Coma is a state of unconsciousness in which a patient cannot be able to react with the surrounding environment, not waken by physical or audible stimulations, which helps to differentiate coma from sleep. Patients can have various levels of unconsciousness/unresponsiveness depending upon how much/little of the brain is functioning.
Diabetic Coma
Diabetic coma is a reversible form of coma among diabetics.
Dangerously high hyperglycemia (high blood-sugar) or low hypoglycemia (low blood-sugar) can cause diabetic coma. If one happens to have this condition, he/she is alive but cannot be able to awake or respond properly to sights, sounds or other stimulation. If left untreated it can be fatal, fortunately one can take steps to prevent diabetic coma.
Diabetic’s type 1 is especially more prone to diabetic coma than type 2. It is impossible to confirm what cause the diabetic coma, whether it is hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia without blood-sugar test, because the symptoms of hypo/hyper glucose are almost the same. It is estimated that 2 to 15 percent of people with diabetes will suffer at least once with diabetic coma during their lifetimes because of severe hypoglycemia.
Before late 1970s, it is very difficult to diagnose, but it becomes simple with the introduction of glucose meters.
Glucose is one of the most vital elements for the human body that helps keep the metabolism in proper condition. When your glucose level in blood drops, low called hypoglycemia or if the glucose level in blood rises called hyperglycemia. It disturbed normal metabolism of the body, in particular, the brain cell starts to malfunction. These conditions result in variance in osmotic pressure on the cells causing dehydration and electrolyte imbalance leads to diabetic coma. These conditions can be reversible easily if diagnose in time and treated before it is too late.
Uncontrolled blood-sugar level is the major contributing factor for diabetic coma. Some of the conditions caused by blood-glucose-level extremes such as Hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis, and diabetic hyperosmolar syndrome can lead to diabetic coma and even death if not properly treated in time.