Incontinence treatment by lifestyle changes and medication does not produce any result. Then there are additional treatments available to combat incontinence.
Special Incontinence Treatments
Pessaries for stress incontinence (females) - Pessary is a plastic ring, similar to a contraceptive diaphragm warn in the vagina. It helps to support the walls of the vagina, lifting the bladder and the nearby urethra, leading to reduce or prevent stress leakage. Many women use a pessary only during exercise, and others wear it all the time to reduce stress leakage. If using a pessary, should see the doctor regularly to check for any scrapes in the vagina that can result using the device.
Nerve Stimulation - Small electrical pulse stimulation of the nerves that control the bladder can improve the symptoms of urgency, frequency, and urge-incontinence, as well as bladder emptying problems. Suggest this treatment only to patients who cannot tolerate or do not benefit from medications. Start nerve stimulation using a devise outside the body, and implant electrodes under the skin, if the treatment produces required results. Then implant a permanent device to deliver stimulations to the nerves in the back, much similar to a pacemaker. Place the electrodes in the lower back through a simple surgical procedure.
Surgery - If above said all treatments fail, doctors may suggest surgery. Surgery helps only stress incontinence and not for urge-incontinence. Many surgical options have high rates of success.
Causes of stress incontinence problems are mostly by the bladder neck dropping toward the vagina. To correct this problem, raise the bladder neck or urethra and supported it with a ribbon sling or web of strings attached to a muscle or bone. The sling helps to hold up the bottom of the bladder and top of the urethra to stop leakage.
Catheterization for incomplete emptying - Nerve damage may stop the bladder to empty completely and might cause urine leak called overflow incontinence. Treatment for this might be by the use a catheter to empty the bladder. Insert a thin tube called a catheter through the urethra into the bladder to drain urine. You can use a catheter rarely, few times a day, or always. If you use it all the time, it will drain urine from the bladder into a collection bag, which is hanging near leg. You need to be careful because of possible infections.