What is the normal blood glucose level? Healthy glucose level is the BS number generally noted among the young non-diabetic people.
What is the normal blood glucose level?
The BS numbers recommended by the famous institutions or organizations for healthy, prediabetes and diabetes are generally slightly in a high side. These institutions do so basely on an earlier study, which predicted those who have diagnosed as pre-diabetes has progressed to diabetes early due to mental strain. Thus, they push the numbers slightly to a higher range to stop diabetes progression.
However, many health professionals think their patients are intelligent, smarter, and brave enough. Therefore, the patients are keen to take the challenge and considering it as an alarm in preventing diabetes.
Perfect normal blood-glucose levels noted among most young, healthy persons (non-diabetic adults) are:
If your blood glucose levels are more than the above-said range, then you are at increased risk towards diabetes. Thus, they require taking necessary steps to prevent diabetes; otherwise, diabetes may develop within the next few years or decades.
You are not only risked towards diabetes; additionally, even undiagnosed as diabetes for years, your body develops diabetes complications, read on to know why.
Nerve damage begins even during impaired glucose tolerance:
The spectrum of neuropathy is in diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance Neurology January 14, 2003 vol. 60 no: 1 108-111. The neuropathy associated with IGT is milder than the neuropathy associated with diabetes. Small nerve fibers are prominently affected, and maybe the earliest detectable sign of neuropathy in glucose dysmetabolism. OGTT is appropriate in patients with idiopathic neuropathy.
Increased prevalence of Impaired Glucose Tolerance is in patients with painful sensory Neuropathy Diabetes Care, August 2001 vol. 24 no: 8 1448-1453. The results suggest IGT may cause or contribute to small-fiber neuropathy, which is similar in phenotype to the painful-sensory neuropathy commonly encountered in diabetes. Two-hour OGTT is more sensitive than other measures of glucose handling in screening these patients?
Cardiovascular disease risk increase even before diagnosed as prediabetes:
Inflammation markers and metabolic characteristics of subjects with one-hour plasma glucose levels, Diabetes Care November 16, 2009, DOI: 10.2337/dc09-134. 1-hour OGTT result over 155 mg/dl (or 8.6 mmol/L) links with markers for cardiovascular disease. "Normal" glucose tolerance as defined by doctors and researchers means a 2-hour blood sugar reading of under 140 mg/dl on an oral glucose tolerance test. Thus, it is essential to keep one-hour blood sugar reading after meals under 140 mg/dl. Doctors relying on the two-hour glucose tolerance test leads to high blood sugar, high enough to promote diabetes complication for years, even before the prediabetes diagnosis.