Other not so common types of diabetes are LADA (Late Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults) and MODY (Maturity onset diabetes of the young).
Other Types of Diabetes
- Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA)
- Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY)
What is LADA?
Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA) is a slowly developing form of type 1 diabetes, also called type 1.5 that is diagnosed among adulthood. Similar to typical type 1 diabetes, the autoimmune process of LADA destroys cells in the pancreas. Nevertheless, slowly and eventually, they need insulin treatment.
LADA is different from diabetes type 2 still people with LADA are frequently misdiagnosed because both diabetes occurs in adulthood with similar symptoms. Over time, this misdiagnosis can lead to uncontrolled blood sugar levels, which can develop life-threatening severe diabetic complications.
How does a doctor distinguish between Type 2 and Type 1.5 (LADA)?
Diagnose LADA based on two blood tests currently in use to detect LADA:
- GAD Antibody test - Attacking the beta cells of the pancreas by inflammatory cells, produces an enzyme GAD (Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase), so this is a marker for the diagnosis of LADA in adults.
- C-Peptide Test - C-Peptide is an amino acid produced by the pancreas proportional to the amounts of insulin in produce. A low level of C-peptide in the blood indicated that the pancreas is not producing enough insulin and can suggest LADA in a type 2 patients.
What is MODY?
Most commonly MODY (also called genetic diabetes) behaves like a very mild form of type 1 diabetes, with continued partial insulin secretion with normal insulin sensitivity. It is not diabetes type 2 in a young person, as might incorrectly be inferred from the name.
MODY is a diabetes type with six primary sub-classifications depending upon the gene that is responsible for its onset. Only some 1 to 2% of type 1 has this variety of diabetes but mostly goes unrecognized. MODY is an autosomal predominant inherited disease, means born with a single (auto) gene that can become from either parent. If a parent has MODY, then their children have a 50% more chances of developing MODY.
MODY is a monogenic defect of insulin secretion occurs at any age. And it is dominantly inherited and no longer includes any forms of diabetes type 2.
MODY is not exclusively among adolescents, and the research knowledge shows it can also be diagnosed up to an age of 55.