Indian yogi’s practice eye exercise for better vision, they are Sun Gazing, Eye Accommodation, Eye squeezing, nasal massage, and head lift technique.
Yogic eye exercise for Vision correction
- Secrets of Yoga Sun Gazing as eye correction
- Yogic eye accommodative eye training
- Eyes Squeeze for vision improvement
- Indian Yoga nasal massage for eye correction
- Head lift technique for eye and ear problems
Secrets of Yoga Sun Gazing as eye correction
The ancient Yogis use "Yoga Sun Gazing" as a meditation to infuse the body, mind, and spirit with healing solar light and power.
How to do: Go outside at SUNRISE or SUNSET when the solar is red or orange. Open the eyes wide and take in nine deep breaths (in and out gently) while looking at the sun. Feel the "sun energy' traveling into the eyes and down to the belly button area (Hara). After sun gazing, gently cover the eyes with the palms, for a few minutes while visualizing color black. This helps to relax and heal stress and tension in the mind and eyes.
Yogic eye accommodative eye training
Eye Exercise Part I (Improve Close & Distant Vision)
The ancient Indian Hindu Yogi has devised many techniques, for improving the eyesight.
This marvelous eye exercise helps the eyes to improve their ability to change focus and see clearly, in the distance, and at the close-up.
Modern science tells us that the accommodative eye muscles weaken with age. However, this is not true, if he/she continues to use the accommodative focusing eye muscles regularly; eyesight will remain clear and strong throughout life.
If one lost their "accommodative eye focusing ability,” this eye exercise can bring back the natural eye accommodation for distance and close-up seeing:
This exercise mainly helps farsightedness or old age sight, the ability to focus at the close-up clearly. Practice this exercise outside in good light or inside in a well-lighted room, while looking out the window.
- One: Pick out a distant object, about twenty feet or more away (tree, car, building, etc. This is the distant vision object.
- Two: In the hand, hold a 2 x 3 card with black letters, large enough to see clearly.
- Three: Hold card at the eye level at arm’s length away, so that it can see clearly.
- Four: Look at a distant object; see it clearly. Now, move the eyes back to a letter on the card (at the close point) and see it clearly for a few seconds. Perform this accommodative eye movement three times (in and out).
- Five: When the letter on the card becomes easier to see, then move the card a couple of inches closer and repeat this "close point and distant point" movement three times, as in Step 4.
- Six: Next, move the card a few inches closer, while still seeing it clearly. Again, repeat the "close" and "distant" eye movement, always focusing the eyes as clearly as can be.
The accommodative eye muscles, just like any other body muscles, become weaker because of disuse.
Eye exercises induce fresh blood flow, chi flow and nerve energy to the eye muscles and nerves, thereby enhancing vision. Perform this movement two or three times a week.
Eye Exercise Part 2 (To Improve Distant Vision)
Follow the steps in the above exercise, but reverse the procedure by looking at a card with letters on it,
- Held at a reading distance that is 15 to 18 inches away from the eyes.
- Hold the card where he/she can be able to see the letters' clearly, then immediately look at an object twenty feet away, i.e., tree, car, building, etc.
- Focus the eyes from the card to the distant object, seeing both as clearly as possible, three times back and forth.
- Look at an object twenty to thirty feet further away than the first object.
- Repeat the back and forth eye movement three times. Continue with this exercise by looking at objects further into the distance. Practice this distance seeing accommodative eye movement for five minutes, two or three times a week.
Eyes Squeeze for vision improvement
Breathe in slowly and gradually squeeze the eyes tightly for 10 to 15 seconds. Slowly exhale, making the sound "ssshhh" while opening the eyes widely. Repeat 3-6 times.
This Taoist eye technique increases circulation to the eyes, prevents watery eyes, strengthens the eyelid and tear gland muscle. This normalizes lachrymal glands. These glands furnish an alkaline solution that purifies the eyes and imparts a brilliant, sparkling luster to the eyes.
The Healing Sound "Ssshhh" is useful to purify the liver and calm the nervous system. Opening the eye wide while exhaling the sound "ssshhh" releases anger and tension from the liver and the eyes.
Indian Yoga nasal massage for eye correction
Ayurveda (Indian Medicine) teaches us that chronic colds, flu, mucus and lung congestion are the basic cause of most eye problems. The eyes are in close proximity to the nasal and sinus passages.
Nasal massage helps to improve sinus conditions and allows seeing objects with clarity.
How to do: Dip the baby finger into sesame oil, ghee, or one drop of eucalyptus oil and insert it into each nostril. Massage as deep as possible, slowly massages in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction. It may feel soreness. Go easy.
It may also sneeze and blow the nose several times. Do not panic.
This is a cleansing reaction by the body. It will clear the sinuses quickly! It opens up the lung breathing channels, releases pent-up emotions, and improves eye clarity. Gently perform the Yoga Nasal Massage three times a week, one minute for each nostril.
Head lift technique for eye and ear problems
Head Lift Technique is an excellent exercise to clear up ear and eye problems. It also helps to overcome headaches, neck and shoulder pain.
How to do: Place both hands (fingers and palms) around the neck at the lower part of the skull (mastoid process). Lift the head upward (face pointing bit forward), while turning the head to the right when lifting. Turn and lift head to the left in the same manner.
This simple movement can help unblock any pinched nerves in the neck or trapezius muscles. Lift up the head gently, but do not squeeze the neck too hard. Turn as far as comfortable without straining or jerking. Practice the "Head Lift" several times daily, especially before sleep.