Glaucoma is associated with an increase in the fluid pressure inside the eye. This may cause damage to the optic nerve and results in vision loss.
Eye Glaucoma
Advanced glaucoma may cause blindness. Not everyone with high eye pressure will develop glaucoma, and many people with normal eye pressure can develop glaucoma. When the pressure inside an eye is too high for that particular optic nerve, whatever that pressure measurement may be, glaucoma will develop.
There are several forms of glaucoma; the two most common forms are primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) and angle closure glaucoma (ACG).
Primary open angle glaucoma
Glaucoma is the second-leading cause of blindness. Primary open angle glaucoma develops slowly and usually without any symptoms. Many people do not aware they have the condition until significant vision loss has occurred. It initially affects peripheral or side vision, but can advance to central vision loss. If left untreated, glaucoma can lead to significant loss of vision in both eyes, and may even lead to blindness.
Acute angle closure glaucoma
A less common type of glaucoma is acute angle closure glaucoma, usually occurs abruptly due to a rapid increase of pressure in the eye. Its symptoms may include severe eye pain, nausea, and eye redness, seeing colored rings around lights, and blurred vision. This condition is an ocular emergency, and medical attention should seek immediately, as severe vision loss can occur quickly.
Currently, Glaucoma cannot prevent, but if diagnose and treat at its early stages, then it can usually control. Medication or surgery can slow or stop further vision loss. However, if the vision is already lost to glaucoma cannot restore. That is why experts recommend an annual dilated eye examination for people at risk for glaucoma to prevent vision loss. Depending on the specific condition, the doctor may recommend examinations that are more frequent.