Hyperopia symptoms are causes by the difficulty to see nearer objects clearly; some of the most common symptoms are mention in this page.
Hyperopia, also called as farsightedness, is mostly happening at older age, but sometime even with school going children. It is a refractive error disorder rather than from a disease. This refractive error is the inability of the eye to focus the image on retina resulting in a blurred closer image.
Common farsightedness symptoms
- Farsightedness or hyperopia causes blurred near vision.
- No trouble seeing objects that are far away, such as highway signs, TV screen, blackboards in schools, etc.
- Difficulty focusing on nearer objects
- Eyestrain occurs due to concentration to get the near object details.
- Headaches mostly after doing close work
- Feel comfortable to hold the newspaper further away from the eyes.
- Decrease in the performance of close up works such as reading, writing, etc.
Hyperopic sign and symptoms of younger child
Hyperopic child has certain symptoms depending on the severity of the condition. Some children may have no symptoms, while others may experience:
- Certain degree of photosensitivity
- Sometimes eye blinking or itching (these children rub their eye often to relieve the symptom) can be noted.
- Losing interest to do homework and study due to unclear short-distance vision.