A lazy eye should need to diagnose and treat as early as possible, preferably before the age of six years.
Lazy eye diagnosis test
It is always difficult to know whether a child has a lazy eye because they cannot realize that there is something wrong with their vision. Therefore, a lazy eye may not know until the child has their first eye test.
An eye exam by a pediatrician or the 20/20 eye chart screening is not adequate for the diagnosis of amblyopia. The most important diagnostic tools are the special visual acuity tests other than the 20/20 letter charts currently used by schools, pediatricians, and eye doctors. Examination with cycloplegic drops can be necessary to detect this condition in the young.
Children should give a routine eye examination before they start schooling. If a child has a lazy eye, it is possible to diagnose and treat the condition at its early stages.
If the ophthalmologist suspects a lazy eye after a routine eye exam, a detailed full eye examination will need in order to confirm diagnosis. Each eye will test separately to determine whether there is any long or short sightedness. Both eyes will also be diagnosed together to see if there is any squint.
During their eye test, the structure of the child’s eyes also been examined to determine whether there are any abnormalities, such as astigmatism (where the surface of the lens is uneven, causing blurred vision).