The concept of acupressure originated in ancient China more than 2000 years. It is still in use today is a testimony to its effectiveness in the treatment.
Acupressure principle - As per Chinese principle, Qi (vital energy) circulates through natural pathways in the body called meridians. Blockage of this flow causes illness and pain. The Chinese discovered a gentle healing art by pressing certain specific points in the body with the help of the thumb or blunt object to signaling the body to turn on its self-healing mechanisms.
7 Acupressure Points for Low Blood Pressure
Acupressure for hypotension is a drugless holistic healing to normalize your blood pressure. Based on various studies on acupuncture treatment for low BP, we have shortlisted seven most important and effective acupressure points surely produce a result. Blood pressure raising acupoints are GV 20, PC 6, LI 18, ST 36, CV 4, KD 3 & LU 9.
- GV 20 (Bai Hui - English Name: Hundred Convergences): You can locate this point by placing a finger at the top of the each ear and follow an imaginary line upwards, where two fingers meet. This point is often used in the treatment of headaches, dizziness, depression, visual disorders, vertigo, coma, mental disorders, poor memory, epilepsy, and to improve the endocrine glands function.
- PC 9 (Zhong Chong - English Name: Central Hub): Locate of this point is in the center of the tip of the middle finger. This point is often used in the treatment of coma, heat stroke, cardiac pain, irritability, stiffness, swelling, and pain of the tongue.
- LI 18 (Fu Tu - English Name Protuberance Assistant): Locate of this point is on the lateral side of the neck, on the side of Adam's apple, between the sternal head and clavicular head of m. sternocleidomastoideus. High blood pressure and also useful for low blood pressure. Due to the connection with the vagus, it is useful for lung, esophagus, heart, stomach, intestine and gall bladder issues - reflux, palpitations, digestive issues, etc.
- ST 36 (Zusanli - English Name Leg Three Miles): Location of this point is on the anterior side of the lower leg, three cun below ST 35, a middle finger width from the anterior border of the tibia. This point is useful for low immunity, chronic illness, poor digestion, weakness, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, GERD, hiccups, diarrhea, constipation, breast problems, lower leg pain, asthma, wheezing, dyspnea, PMS, depression, nervousness, insomnia. It tones Qi and Blood, Strengthens the Spleen and Stomach, strengthens the body, and stops the pain. For needling, Perpendicular insertion 1.0 to 2.0 cun.
- Ren 4 or CV 4 (Guanyuan - English name Gate of Origin): Location is on the anterior median line of the lower abdomen, three cun below the umbilicus. This point is useful for impotence, frequent micturition, retention of urine, Irregular menstruation, infertility, diarrhea, prolapse of rectum, and dyspepsia. It tones Kidneys (Qi, Yin, and Yang), nourishes Essence, benefits Original Qi, benefits menstruation and the uterus. For needling, Perpendicular insertion for 1.0 to 2.0 cun.
- KD 3 (Taixi - English Name: Great Ravine): Located in the depression midway between the tip of the medial malleolus and the attachment of the achilles tendon. This point is useful for impotence, frequent urination, deafness, tinnitus, irregular menstruation, lumbar pain, headache, dizziness, blurred vision, asthma, diabetes and Insomnia. It tones the Kidneys (Yin and Yang), strengthens the low back, and relieves heel/ankle pain. For needling: Perpendicular insertion 0.5 - 1.0 cun.
- LU 9 (Tai Yuan - English name Great Abyss): Location is at the wrist crease on the radial side of the radial artery. This point is useful for circulation issues, clarifying an indiscernible pulse (for diagnosis), cough, asthma, wheezing, and Palpitations. It tones Lung Qi and Yin. For needling, Perpendicular insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun.
You can take low-pressure acupressure therapy along with low-pressure herbs, hypotension homeopathy, low-pressure yoga, and low-pressure reflexology for a more effective result.
Is low blood pressure Acupressure safe?
Acupressure is reporting as safe when performed by an experienced practitioner. No serious complications have published, despite millions of treatments every year. Self-administer acupressure is considering safe with proper training.