Certain yoga’s increases blood pressure strengthens the nervous system, tones the digestive system, strengthens arteries, & corrects the flow of blood in the body.
Yoga information
If you are new to yoga and interested in practicing yoga for hypotension management, then for gaining maximum benefit without injury, learn yoga tips for beginners, yoga safety tips to avoid yoga injury and benefits of a yoga pose.
Yoga refers to be the traditional physical, and mental discipline originates in India. It can balance body, mind, and spirit. Therefore, Yoga pose normalizes your blood pressure, whatever the cause; whether it is mental or physical.
Yoga normalizes your blood pressure
Yoga can bring back your blood pressure to a healthy range by gentle compression (massage)
- The endocrine glands (pituitary, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid, and adrenal),
- The exocrine glands (sweat, salivary, mammary, pancreas and liver),
- The digestive system (stomach, small and large intestine).
These are the glands and organs directly or indirectly responsible for blood pressure homeostasis. This gentle compression provides fresh nutrient-rich blood supply to the organs and thus heals it and starts working as expected. Additionally, yoga improves your overall physical as well as mental well-being.
5 Hypotension Yoga to Normalize Your Blood Pressure
As per alternative medicine, blood pressure is relating to the healthy digestive system, kidney (the organ responsible for liquid retention & removable) and adrenal gland (responsible for the fight & freight reaction).
Five hypotension-friendly yoga postures are Ardha Matsyendrasana, Child poses, Paschimotasana, Bhastrika Pranayam, and Savasana.
Start Yoga session with Warm-up - Most of the Yoga Masters insisted not to practice yoga poses straight away. Instead, they emphasized to do some warm-up exercises before the yoga session.
- Ardha Matsyendrasana - is a Sanskrit word Adho means Forward; Mukha means Face; Svana means Dog; and Asana means Posture. In English, it means Downward Facing Dog Pose. This yoga massage the pancreas, kidneys, stomach, small intestines, liver, and gall bladder. Additionally, it cleanses, rejuvenates, enhances and regulates the secretion of adrenaline & bile. It is useful for the management of blood pressure, diabetes, constipation, menstrual disorders and urinary tract disorders. Visit Ardha Matsyendrasana for more details.
- Balasana or Child poses – is a Sanskrit word Bala means child and asana mean pose. It is a relaxation pose useful to normalize the circulation. It helps relieve stress and fatigue, and calm the brain. Do this asana; in-between yoga poses to improve overall benefits. Visit Child's pose for more details.
- Paschimottasana - is a Sanskrit word; Paschima means Back, Uttana means Intense Stretch, Asana means Pose. In English, it means Seated Forward Bend. It is good for those suffering from low blood pressure, diabetes, hyperacidity, and migraine. It stimulates the functioning of the internal organs like liver, pancreas, and kidney. Visit Paschimottanasana for more details.
- Bhastrika Pranayama - is a Sanskrit word, Bhastrika means bellows and pranayama mean breathing. In English, it means bellow breathing. This pranayama benefit to the lungs, heart, depression, brain, migraine, and nerves. Visit Bhastrika Pranayam for more details.
- Savasana – Savasana or Corpse Pose gets its name from the recumbent posture of a dead body. Well experience Yoga Guru's always ended a yoga session with a relaxing yoga pose called as “Savasana,” it helps to gain the most from the yoga poses you have just done. Furthermore, make you more relaxed, very simple asana but very difficult to attain perfection.
You can practice low-pressure yoga poses along with low-pressure herbs, hypotension homeopathy, low BP acupressure, and low-pressure reflexology for a more effective result.
How does Yoga Raises Blood Pressure?
Stress can disturb blood pressure homeostasis. Everyone will accept, yoga is effective in stress reduction thus normalizes blood pressure. Additionally, yoga massages the abdominal organs; this increases blood & oxygen supply and rejuvenate it. Additionally, yoga improves the performance of the internal organs.
Is yoga safe?
Yoga has been well tolerated in studies, with few side effects reported in healthy people.
Yoga poses that put pressure on the uterus, such as an abdominal exercise, should avoid during pregnancy. People with disc disease, fragile or atherosclerotic neck arteries, the risk of blood clots, extremely high or low blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, ear problems, severe osteoporosis, or cervical spondylitis should avoid some yoga poses. Certain yoga breathing techniques should avoid in people with heart or lung disease.