Undesirable low blood pressure symptoms are dizziness and fainting; we all know drinking alcohol will aggravate these symptoms. Thus, it is always advisable to stop drinking alcohol.
Does alcohol interfere with blood pressure?
A study in the journal “Circulation” found that alcohol could derail the body’s ability to maintain healthy blood pressure. After drinking alcohol, people have wider blood vessels, so lower blood pressure. These changes impair the body’s ability to pump fresh blood to the brain, causing dizziness.
Alcohol interferes with the liver’s ability to metabolize hormones renin and angiotensin, which are important for blood pressure control. Additionally, alcohol interferes with steroid production responsible for maintaining blood pressure.
Reduce or eliminate alcohol correlates with elevated blood pressure. Alcohol puts stress on the liver and reduces its ability to detoxify the blood, causing more oxidized and damaging substances in the circulation harming blood vessels. Additionally, if the liver is busy processing alcohol, it is unable to handle fats causing elevated cholesterol levels.
Why people tumble after an alcoholic drink?
Researchers at the University of Iowa College Of Medicine and the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota say the effect of alcohol on blood vessels is to blame for tumble and pass out after heavy alcohol drinking.
They found, in a study on healthy young adults; the blood vessels stay relaxed (not constrict) effectively after drinking leads to low blood pressure responsible for fainting. Drinking alcohol might increase the risk of fainting and injury from falling.
Harmful effects of alcohol
Once alcohol is in your system, body will stop metabolizing anything else until alcohol metabolized. Your liver is the primary site for alcohol metabolism; this is why you can have liver problems from consuming too much alcohol.
Alcohol detoxified and removed from the blood through a process called oxidation. Oxidation prevents alcohol from accumulating and destroying cells and organs. In the human body, ethyl alcohol is broken down into acetaldehyde. It is a poison comparable to formaldehyde.
- Alcohol is metabolizing by the liver, and thus alcohol causing varies liver problems such as fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, fibrosis, and cirrhosis.
- Heavy, long-term drinking damages your heart, causing a condition known as cardiomyopathy (stretching and drooping of heart muscle) and Arrhythmias (Irregular heartbeat).
- Alcohol causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances eventually lead to pancreatitis, a dangerous inflammation and swelling of the pancreas blood vessels preventing proper digestion.
- Drinking too much alcohol can increase the risk of developing certain cancers such as mouth, esophagus, throat, liver, and breast.
- Drinking too much can weaken your immune system, making your body a much easier target for disease.
- Nutritional deficiencies (foliate, vitamin A & B12 and calcium) are common among alcoholics. Folate produces and maintains new cells. Vitamin B12 makes DNA and keep healthy nerves and RBC. Vitamin A requires for vision, regulation of the immune system, for bone growth, for reproduction, and cell division. Calcium needed for blood vessel and muscle contraction and expansion, for the secretion of hormones and enzymes, and transmission of messages through the nervous system.