Natural Alternative medicine practitioners believe that best treatment is possible for hypertension by enlivening the mental & body system, which is responsible for this high blood pressure.
High blood pressure natural treatment
In the USA about 4 in 10 adults are using complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). CAM use in adults is greater among women and those with higher levels of education and higher incomes.
A natural treatment is possible for hypertension by enlivening the renin-angiotensin and circulatory system, which are responsible for this disorder. It can rejuvenate heart, kidney and other organs, thus normalizes blood circulation and in-turn blood pressure.
Alternative treatment not only helps hypertension treatment; furthermore, helps to avoid or slow down long-term blood pressure complications such as eye, kidney, heart diseases, and stroke. Additionally, it can lower cholesterol level, improve digestion, strengthen heart & kidney and detoxify your body.
Alternative medicine is categorizing into five groups they are:
Biologically based practices – are therapies involving substances found in nature having purported medicinal properties. Examples are herbs and dietary supplements to control diabetes.
Mind-body therapy – are practices uses the relationship of mind and body to achieve improved health or treat diabetes. Examples are yoga, tai chi, and meditation.
Manipulation and body-based practices – are massaging specific body parts or the whole body. Examples are chiropractic therapy, osteopathic manipulation, and reflexology massage.
Energy healing - are practices involving energy fields around and inside the human bodies that are altered by energy healers for a health benefit. Examples are chakra balancing, Reiki, external qi gong, and therapeutic touch.
Whole medical systems – are complete medical systems often evolved earlier than conventional medicine. Examples are Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Ayurveda and traditional Chinese’s medicine.
Biological based practices and mind-body medicines are the most commonly used alternative therapies.
5 Effective Hypertension Alternative Treatments
Natural treatment for hypertension is not effective unless supported by exercise, table salt restriction, increased fiber intake, stress reduction, restful sleep, and losing weight. It is possible to achieve blood pressure within a healthy non-hypertensive range.
- Hypertension Herbal - also called botanical medicine utilizes plants parts such as seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers to control blood pressure. Herbal medicine has its origins in ancient cultures including those of the Egyptians, American-Indians, and Chinese. The herbal medicine contains phytochemical nutrients evoke responses in our body to balance, heal and restore health. For more information, you can visit hypertension herbal treatment.
- Hypertension Yoga - Yoga refers to be the traditional physical and mental disciplines with healing power originated in India some 5000 years ago. Yoga poses can balance body, mind, & spirit. Yoga helps to regulate the nervous system by increasing vagal tone or the body’s ability to successfully respond to stress. The vagal tone starts at the base of the skull and travels throughout the body, touching the respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems. It supports hypertension treatment by activating glandular systems responsible for the disorder. For more detailed information visit yoga for hypertension treatment.
- Acupressure Hypertension Healing - came from traditional Chinese medicine. According to acupressure, a block in the flow of chi (vital energy) results in disease. To release this blockage or to restore normal energy flow, should stimulate specific acupoints. By putting physical pressure on the right acupressure points, you can get rid of various diseases including hypertension. To learn more, you can visit acupoints for hypertension treatment.
- Reflexology Hypertension Massage - Our body organs have reflex points on our foot and hands. By manipulating these points with gentle firm massage, you can stimulate the organ to work to its full efficiency. By massaging organs associated with hypertension to restore normal blood pressure, additionally bring back wellness and prevent/heal hypertension complications. To learn more, you can visit reflex points for hypertension treatment.
Are you interested in lowering hypertension naturally?
Natural hypertension treatments have classified into natural products (herbs and homeopathy), mind & body therapy (yoga and acupressure), manipulative & body-based practices (reflexology massage).
Numerous natural treatments are useful in hypertension management. An alternative therapy work for your friend or relative may not work for you. If you are interested in trying natural blood pressure treatment, do so along with your conventional medicine (i.e. your regular BP medication). Be careful; uncontrolled blood pressure can lead to life-threatening complications.
At the initial stages of treatment, you should be more vigilant on your blood-pressure levels, because it may drop to hypotension. If the blood pressure is dropping consistently, proportionally, you should reduce your conventional oral medication.
What to Choose; Alternative, Complementary & Integrative Hypertension Treatment?
What is Alternative Medicine? Alternative medicine is therapies used in place of conventional (mainstream) medicine. Examples of alternative practices include herbal, homeopathy, yoga, acupuncture, and reflexology.
What is complementary medicine? Complementary medicine is the term for treatment using a group (i.e. more than one) of alternative therapies that one compliments the other for better efficacy. An example of complementary medicine includes herbal & homeopathy or a combination of herb, yoga, acupressure and reflexology.
What is integrative medicine? Integrative medicine is the term for a combination of alternative (or complementary) therapy and conventional medicine. It is ultimately superior to a single model approach of treatment provides safer, faster, and more efficient treatment. Example: hypertension control using medicine and alternative medicine (any one from the herb, yoga, acupressure or reflexology) or complementary medicine (combination of herb, yoga, acupressure and reflexology).
Ok, how do you START? It is always preferable to go for integrative medicine that is along with your conventional treatment (hypertension drug) try only one alternative medicine. You should do more BP testing to know how effective your alternative treatment is? It helps to modify your conventional medicine dosage.
For example, along with your conventional treatment, you can introduce homeopathy. Why should you choose homeopathy first? Because skeptics often consume an entire bottle of homeopathic medicine to prove it as placebo. It confirms homeopathy is 100% free from side effects so that you can try without any worry. If you chose correct homeopathy remedy for hypertension, then your blood pressure drops. So you must be more vigilant and should adjust your conventional medicine dosage accordingly. If the blood pressure drops consistently, proportionally, you can reduce your BP medication.
Once you are satisfied with the result and after your blood pressure stabilized, then you can try conventional and complementary treatment (i.e. adding another alternative therapy). For example, you can add herbal medicine to lower your blood pressure along with yoga and conventional treatment. In a similar way, you can add more natural treatments until your blood pressure normalizes. In the case of hypertension, you can add more natural treatment (herb, yoga, acupressure & reflexology) until you can totally eliminate the use of medication.