Does caffeine raise blood pressure? Blood pressure rise due to caffeine use is only marginally, so effect between hypertension and caffeine does not suggest quitting tea or coffee.
Does caffeine raise blood pressure?
Caffeine may increase heart rate, body temperature, blood flow to the skin & extremities, blood pressure, blood sugar, stomach acid secretion, and urine production (diuretic).
Caffeine is a mild stimulant; thus, it has a blood pressure raising effect that is marginal and temporary, only lost for a minimum period.
Caffeine is a natural stimulant present in the nuts, berries, and leaves of individual plants. Caffeine is commonly consuming, as coffee or tea, additionally have estimated that it may be the most widely consumed beverages in the world.
What are stimulants? Stimulants increase the central nervous system activity; additionally, it makes you feel more awake, focused, and alert. Furthermore, it can also cause blood vessel constriction, which increases your blood pressure.
Most dangerous effects of drug stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine are due to the result of their activity on blood vessels and the heart.
Caffeine is also a stimulant, so it is natural for everyone to suspect relation between coffee and high blood pressure.
However, caffeine is a very mild stimulant and has a brief life span in your body. Caffeine is also a self-limiting stimulant, means acts on the kidneys to increase own excretion rate.
Caffeine, Blood Pressure, and your Heart
Studies have consistently shown caffeine consumption does not increase the chances of hypertension, heart disease or heart attack.
One well-known study with over 85,000 women participant for the ten years shows there was no increased risk of these diseases. Even among women who consume more than six coffee cups per day. The Joint National Committee on Hypertension has confirmed there is no longer enough evidence interlinking coffee or tea with high blood pressure.
Still, there are controversial studies have shown a weak link between caffeine and rise in blood pressure, but this result only considered short-term effects.
In 2007, two studies further supported and again demonstrated that caffeine raised blood pressure is small and short-lived. Caffeine does not contribute to any blood vessel disorders associated with hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
Health Benefits of Caffeine
The caffeine-containing beverages are a rich source of polyphenols, which protects against heart disease, several cancers, and lower C-reactive protein (CRP).
Studies have consistently shown decreased liver cancer risk in those who drink coffee.
Coffee and tea containing polyphenols have shown to lower the concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP), an essential factor in inflammation. It decreases in CRP has shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and specific kidney disease.
If you are not a coffee drinker, then it does not mean you should start because of the potential health benefits. A healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables is an alternate source of polyphenols and polyphenol-related compounds.
Coffee & blood vessel elasticity
As you age, your blood vessels getting stiffer by losing its elasticity, which increases the risk of hypertension. A study suggests moderate coffee drinking may counter this aging process of blood vessels and maintain its elasticity.
A Greek researcher report, aged people with hypertension, drinking one to two cups of coffee a day, have more elastic blood vessels than who drink less or more. This finding has presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress.
The compounds in coffee include flavonoids, magnesium, potassium, niacin, and vitamin E. It can combat blood vessel aging by blocking oxidative damage and reduce harmful inflammation. Hypertension patients who drink coffee in moderation, one to two cups a day, seem to improve arterial aging. A significant limitation of the study is the participants mostly drank their coffee with their friends or family in a more relaxed environment. Therefore, these psychological relaxation benefits may help heart health.
Caffeine raises blood pressure controversy.
There are some studies controversial to above-said views; caffeine increase’s blood pressure and chances to have hypertension.
A study shows consumption of 1 cup of coffee a day raises systolic BP by 0.19 mmHg and diastolic BP by 0.27 mmHg. Coffee drinking is associated with a small blood pressure rise but appears to play a small role in hypertension development.
What can you do, as a coffee drinker with hypertension?
Caffeine can cause only a short dramatic increase in your blood pressure, even if you are not hypertensive. Caffeine may block a hormone that helps keep your arteries widened. Additionally; caffeine stimulates adrenal glands to release more adrenaline, which causes blood pressure to rise.
Most of the people who drink caffeinated beverages regularly develop a tolerance to it. As a result, caffeine does not produce any long-term blood pressure effects on them.
If you are having high blood pressure and drinking over 3 cups of coffee/tea per day, try limiting the amount at 3 cups/day. If you are drinking 3 cups of coffee/day, continue to enjoy your drinks.
If you are not a coffee drinker, you do not require starting drinking based on their coffee benefits. Because there are various healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, have polyphenols and another nutrient similar to coffee.