Punarnava is an excellent natural diuretic, anti-inflammatory, mild laxative and is a heart tonic. It is useful in treating obesity, improve appetite, jaundice, and fever.
According to Chinese’s medicine, blood pressure has relation with kidney malfunction, according to modern medicine high blood pressure can damage kidney in the long term.
Hypertension Herb Punarnava
Punarnava Plant: Punarnava is a weed, Ayurveda considers it as a Rasayana (lengthening lifespan) plant. Punarnava is a Sanskrit word, Punar means once again, regaining, or restoring and Nava means renew; literally, it means become young (youth) again. The name signifies its rejuvenating property.
As per Ayurveda, Punarnava acts on six out of seven dhatus (tissues) such as plasma, blood, muscles, fat, nerves and reproductive organs. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Punarnava is comparable to drug ibuprofen.
Other names of Punarnava: Boerhavia diffusa or punarnava or known in English as Spreading Hogweed.
Punarnava nutritional value: Its main chemicals are Punarnavoside (antifibrinolytic glycoside), boeravinones A-E, lignans, flavones, sterols, boeravine, and hypoxanthine-9-L-arabinofuranosie.
Different available forms of the Punarnava: Punarnava whole plant, whole plant powder, and extracts.
Recommended daily dosage for Punarnava: 1 to 10grams per day dried or 3 to 15ml of a tincture. 10 to 20 ml of fresh plant juice per day.
How do you take Punarnava? A decoction made out of 10 to 30 grams of herb boiled in a glass of water reduced to half cup. It is filtered and taken.
How does Boerhavia diffusa lower blood pressure?
Boerhavia diffusa possesses significant antihypertensive activity through a decrease in sympathetic activity by inhibition of adrenoreceptors or release of nitric oxide.
Boerhavia diffusa is a diuretic by increasing renal blood flow, which contributes to its antihypertensive actions.
Boerhavia diffusa’s scientific evidence
Boerhavia diffusa showed antihypertensive potential might be due to decrease sympathetic activity mediated through α and β- receptors or by the release of vasodilatory substances such as endothelium-dependent relaxing factor (EDRF) which is NO. Thus, this study indicates the beneficial role of Boerhavia diffusa in the treatment and prevention of hypertension. International Journal of Experimental Pharmacology, Vol 5|Issue 1| 2015 | 24-30.
13 Medicinal Uses of Boerhavia diffusa
- Hypertension - It has significant antihypertensive activity through a decrease in sympathetic activity, release of nitric oxide, and it diuretic property.
- Arthritis – Its anti-inflammatory property help to reduce inflammation and pain in joints.
- Indigestion - It acts as a carminative, boost appetite, lower abdominal pain, intestinal colic, and relieves constipation. It has laxative property, helps the body get rid of waste products.
- Cough - It reduces cough and asthma.
- Impotence – As per Ayurveda, it works on six out of seven dhatus including rejuvenation of male reproductive system and increases the quantity and quality of semen.
- Skin diseases – It is helpful in skin conditions like scabies and is an excellent remedy for guinea worms.
- Anemia – In improves digestion and works on plasma & blood, thus helpful in the treatment of anemia. It cures anemia and nourishes every tissue and cell of your body.
- Renal diseases – It possesses diuretic property, which is useful in the treatment of kidney stones, cystitis, and nephritis. It cleanses the kidneys and gets rid of kidney stones. It protects nephrons of a kidney from damage.
- Liver disorders – It is one of the best liver remedy effective in jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, anemia, flukes, detoxification, chemical injury, biliousness, chronic alcoholism, etc.
- Menorrhagia – It regularize menstrual flow in women. And it gives relief in menstrual disorders (pain, cramps, excessive bleeding, uterine spasms, and water retention).
- Immune function - It improvise immune system.
- Blood glucose control - It significantly decreases blood glucose and increase plasma insulin levels; this helps better blood sugar control.
- Nerve Tonic - It is a good nerve rejuvenator helps in sciatica, nervous weakness, and paralysis.
Boerhavia diffusa side effects or warnings
Punarnava acts as a diuretic, so needs to be used with caution in patients with high BP and kidney disorders. It is safe to use during lactation period and in children, but with medical supervision.
You can take Punarnava along with your hypertension medication (don't stop it).