According to Chinese Medicine, when night comes the Qi (vital energy) & blood slip into the interior, and we fall asleep. If it does not happen, he/she will get insomnia.
Insomnia Acupressure Treatment
A human body is considering as a mini nature. When the sun descends, the night is coming; meanwhile, the Qi (vital energy) and blood slip into the interior and human fall into sleep. It is a well-balanced status for a person. Now, you can get a conclusion that if Qi and blood cannot slip into the interior in the evening due to any reasons, you will get into insomnia.
Insomnia means a person cannot sleep peacefully, manifesting to be difficulty in going into sleep, easy to wake after sleep, and not easy to sleep again and so on. It is just a Traditional Chinese Medicine theory - "yang cannot enter into the yin.
How common are sleep disorders? Nowadays, sleeping problems are widespread in people of all ages. The main reason for this is today’s fast lifestyle. Young people work for 8 to 10 hours in front of the computer, the rest of the time spend with their smartphone, which affects the sleep.
Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders prevail 40% among adults. Out of which 10 to 15% of the adult population suffer by chronic insomnia, and balance of about 25 to 25% have occasional sleeplessness.
Why is restful sleep essential? Adequate sleep is vital for proper repair and healing the body. Regular inadequate or poor sleep quality can be damaging to your health. ; putting you on a risk that includes digestion health, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, etc.
What is acupressure? Does it improve sleep quality & quantity? This ancient Chinese acupressure therapy is by applying pressure to different points on the body called acupoints. Pressing these acupoints along the nervous system pathways stimulates proper energy flow throughout the body, which helps to treat many ailments, including insomnia.
Acupuncture is commonly used to treat insomnia in China. Clinical studies have shown acupressure may help relieve insomnia in all ages better than compared to sleep pills. Therefore, you may successfully use acupressure treatment for sleep problems without any side effect.
Acupressure insomnia treatment works by calming the mind, pain control, relieve digestive problems, improves circulation, sedative function, relieve palpitations, and pacify asthma-like symptoms.
Acupressure vs. acupuncture: Indeed, both use the same points to stimulate. But acupuncture use needles whereas acupressure use finger or another blunt instrument such as a pencil back.
Acupuncture should be practiced by a trained professional, whereas yourself or your loved one can do acupressure.
Treat Insomnia using acupressure
Acupressure is effective in treating insomnia. Many people report immediate improvements in their sleeping habits.
With acupressure, the sensation of sleep comes easily, lasts without interruption, and is more profound and more refreshing.
How to treat insomnia yourself? Here are some best acupressure points that can be stimulated to relieve insomnia and help relax the body and mind. These acupoints for insomnia based on clinical evidence: PC6 (Neiguan), SP6 (Sanyinjiao), HT7 (Shenmen), KD6 (Zhaohai), BL62 (Shenmai), DU 20 (Baihui), ST36 (Zusanli), and KD1 (Yongquan).
- Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 163850, 10 pages.
- Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, Volume 10, Issue 2, April 2017, Pages 135-138.
Pericardium 6 (PC6)
Pericardium 6 point location: This point is in between the two tendons located about three fingers towards the elbow from the wrist crease.
PC6 indications: It is indicated for, anxiety, palpitations, emotional problems, and insomnia. It is said to calm the Heart and the spirit — familiar point for motion sickness. Also useful for chest congestion, cardiac pain, depression, dizziness, asthma, cough, irritability, and malaria.
PC6 functions: Opens the chest, regulates Heart Qi, harmonizes the Stomach, and regulates Qi.
You can stimulate PC6 acupoint with your thumb in a small circulator motion for 1 or 2 minutes in both arms. Take a deep breathe while pressing the point. This point is useful for emotional problems such as stress, fears, anxiety, sadness, and depression. Additionally, this point is helpful for nausea and vomiting problems common during pregnancy.
Spleen 6 (SP6)
Spleen 6 point location: On the inner side of the lower leg, four-finger width above the tip of the ankle bone, on the back of the shin bone.
SP6 Indications: Invigorates the circulation of Qi Blood, poor digestion, abdominal distension, a significant point for insomnia.
SP6 functions: Strengthens the Spleen and Stomach, harmonizes the Liver, strengthens the Kidneys, and nourishes Blood.
SP 6 is the most versatile point because the point crosses the Spleen, Kidney, and Liver meridians. It can treat many conditions associated with all three organs.
Heart 7 (HT7)
Heart 7 point location: Outer edge of the wrist crease (below little finger). It is the hollow spot in line with and below the little finger. For easy identification of the point, it is best to turn the hand upward and support the wrist with the fingers of the opposite hand.
HT7 indications: It is for irritability, palpitations, mania, and dementia, among other things.
This point has a sedative function. Stimulating this point help relieving insomnia caused by overexcitement, emotional issues, and cold sweat. Also, to relieve cardiac pain, palpitations, chest pain, and irritability.
HT7 is a very important acupoint for treating insomnia. Ref: European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, October 2017, Pages 17-22
HT7 functions: Tone and regulates the heart blood and Qi.
You can stimulate HT7 acupoint with your thumb for a minute in both arms. Take a deep breathe while pressing the point. It is an excellent point for calming the mind; physical agitation, fears, palpitation, manic depression, and stress.
Kidney 6 (KD6)
Kidney 6 point location: On the inner side of the foot, in the depression below the tip of the internal malleolus.
KD 6 indication: A significant acupressure point promotes restful sleep. Help relieve insomnia, hypertension, and anxiety. Also useful for treating digestive disorders, dry and sore throat, irregular menstruation, eye problems, and epilepsy.
KD6 functions: Nourishes the Kidneys and benefits the throat and eyes.
You can stimulate KD6 acupoint with your thumb with firm pressure in both legs. This point is useful for calming the mind, reduce nightmares, and nocturnal epileptic seizures; thus helps to prevent and treat insomnia.
Urinary bladder 62 (UB62)
Urinary bladder 62 point location: In the depression directly below the external malleolus.
UB 62 indications: Epilepsy, manic psychosis, Insomnia, Headache, and neck rigidity. It also helps in curing lower back pain, spinal problems, headache, stiff neck, nervousness, and epilepsy.
UB 52 functions: Dispels wind, treats epilepsy, and benefits the eyes and head.
Stimulating BL62 acupoint with the index or middle finger with firm pressure in both legs may quiet the mind.
Governor Vessel 20 (GV20 or DU 20)
Governor Vessel 20 point location: At the midpoint of the line connecting the top of the two ears.
GV 20 indication: Vertigo, dizziness, coma, manic psychosis, headache, clear your mind (from overthinking), increase memory, resolve hemorrhoids, counteract depression, and insomnia.
GV20 functions: clears the head, calms the Shen, and dispels Interior Wind.
You can stimulate GV20 acupoint with your thumb with firm pressure. This point is often used to clear your mind (from overthinking), counteract depression, and manic psychosis; thus prevent and treat insomnia.
Stomach 36 (ST36)
Stomach 36 point location: Place four fingers below the kneecap, the point located at this level one fingerbreadth outside the shin bone.
ST36 indication: Gastric pain, abdominal distention, indigestion, abdominal pain. Also, palpitation, shortness of breath, insomnia, asthma, knee pain, depressive psychosis, and madness.
ST36 functions: Tones Qi and Blood, strengthens the spleen and stomach and stops the pain.
ST 36 is known as one of the essential points to tonify Qi and Blood and promote general wellness. If you are tired to a point you even cannot able to take a single step, this point gives you the energy to walk another three miles!
As per Chinese traditional medicine, the spirit requires to reside in the heart and blood while sleeping. So if the blood is deficient, the mind wander, causing sleeplessness. Many who are exhausted, but cannot able to get a good night sleep.
You can stimulate ST36 acupoint with your thumb with firm pressure on both sides leg. This point is useful for the abdominal problem, asthma, knee pain, and psychosis depression; thus helps to prevent and treat insomnia.
Kidney 1 (KD1)
Kidney 1 point location: Between the 1st and 2nd toes on the sole, about 1/3 distance from the base of the toes and 2/3 distance to the heel. It is at the depression below the balls of the feet. It is the location of the solar plexus in the reflexology. Stimulating this point ground your energy and induce sleep.
KD 1 indication: For headache, neck pain, dizziness, and manic psychosis. Also, constipation, dryness of mouth, and hot sensation of the sole.
You can stimulate KD1 acupoint with your thumb with firm pressure in both soles. This point is useful for neck pain, manic psychosis, dry mouth, and hot sole; thus helps to prevent and treat insomnia.
Is acupressure safe?
Acupressure is generally reporting as safe when performed by an experienced practitioner. No serious complications have been publishing, despite millions of treatments every year. Self-administered acupressure believes to be safe with proper training. Vigorous acupressure may cause bruising in sensitive individuals.