Refined meda dhatu (adipose tissue) processed further by asthyagni to form asthi dhatu (skeletal tissue) and upadhatu (secondary tissue) teeth. The mala (waste products) of asthi are hair and nails.
The Sanskrit word “Asthi” means “Bone.” Asthi dhatu means bone that gives a solid structure to the body.
Asthi dhatu – Bone
Healthy asthi dhatu provides structure and stability to the body. Psychologically healthy asthi dhatu provides confidence in ideas, decisions, and beliefs.
Earth & air containing diet and digestive fire (jatharagni & asthiagni) build this tissue. Earth element containing foods are grains, nuts, and beans. Air element containing foods are mostly vegetables that are bitter and pungent. Jatharagni and asthyagni needs to be healthy to transform meda dhatu into asthi dhatu.
Balanced asthyagni with adequate earth & air element containing diet forms bone tissues that are healthy to maintain structural stability.
Asthi dhatu health has a strong affinity towards large intestine. The large intestine is the home of vata dosha. The close relationship between these two reveals the susceptibility of the bones to vata disorders. When there is any large intestinal problem such as gas or constipation will cause the bone more porous (more air) such as osteoporosis.
How to evaluate asthi dhatu health?
Evaluation of the health of asthi dhatu is by inspecting the upadhatu teeth and its mala hair & nails. The teeth should be healthy with bright white color. The healthy hair should be dense, strong, natural color, and no hair loss. The healthy nail should be with enough thick and strength.
Deficient asthi dhatu due to vata reveals as thin hair, hair loss, thin nails that break easily, and crooked teeth and dark (gray) colored. Vitiated pitta causes asthi dhatu deficiency that leads to pale (yellow) colored teeth & nails, hair discoloration (gray), nails become weaker, and hair may fall out.
Excess asthi dhatu due to kapha reveals as full hair density without hair loss. The nails are thick, and teeth are large, straight, and white colored.
Asthi dhatu vitiation
- Asthi dhatu vitiated by vata has variable asthyagni that lead to weak or fragile bones that become osteoporotic and fracture easily.
- Asthi dhatu vitiated by Pitta has strong asthyagni that lead to bone infections (osteomyelitis) and inflammation.
- Asthi dhatu vitiated by kapha has low asthyagni that lead to excessively thick, dense bones.
Osteoarthritis is a combined vata-kapha condition causes provoking growth leading to bone spurs. Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition where vata pushes kapha to cause irregular bone growth. Osteoblastic bone cancer where vata (fans the Agni) and pushes kapha (bone growth) within the affected bone, creating a high metabolic growth. Osteoclastic bone cancer where vata along with pitta destroys bone tissue.
Causes of vitiated Asthi dhatu
Excess or low proteins intake, insufficient minerals, unbalanced diets, vata producing foods, dry foods, beans, and stale/leftover foods.
Menopause, hormone imbalance, poor body posture, accident, thyroid/parathyroid disorders, lack/excess of physical exercise, and vata provoking irregular/intense exercise. And loneliness, insecurity, and mental trauma.
Proper Treatment of the Asthi dhatu
The best treatment for asthi dhatu increased by kapha is to decrease earth element foods such as grains, meats, nuts, and bones and increase the quality of the air element such as most fruits and leafy green vegetables.
The best treatment for asthi dhatu vitiated by pitta is to decrease the quality of the fire element by ingesting whole milk, wheat, and other grains.
The best treatment for asthi dhatu vitiated by vata is to increase the quantity of earth element in the diet such as grains, meats, nuts, and bones.
Ways to balance Asthi dhatu
Healthy asthi dhatu carry us throughout the lifespan and allow us to move freely.
Regular intake of calcium-rich foods such as sesame seeds, broccoli, soaked/steamed almonds, freshly cooked asparagus, and exposing to early morning sun for a long time.
Herbs useful for asthi dhatu vitiated by vata, Pitta, or kapha are Triphala. Herbs useful for osteoporosis and heals fracture are comfrey, oat straw, and Amalaki. Comfrey balances vata and Pitta dosha and is traditional in use for healing bones after a fracture. Amalaki is a tonic, traditionally used for bone development. Bhringaraj has tonic and purifying for bones; it is more suitable for Pitta. Guggul and kurki are suitable for kapha; it does a purification of the bones.