Ayurveda diagnosis of eye called netra pariksha helps to assess dosha, physical and mental health of the individual.
Eye Diagnosis (Netra pariksha) – Dosha
Vata eyes look small, nervous, drooping eyelids, and dry. Eyelashes are scanty. The sclera (white area of eye) is often dull or muddy. The iris is dark, grey-brown or black. The eyebrows will be thin and irregular.
Pitta eyes look moderate in size, sharp, lustrous and sensitive to light. The Sclera has yellow or red spots. The lashes are scanty and oily. The iris is red or yellowish. They have a tendency to be nearsighted. They have sharp and piercing eyes. The eyebrows and eyelashes are balanced.
Kapha eyes look big, beautiful and moist. The eyelashes are long, thick, and oily. The Sclera (white of the eye) is perfect white. The iris is pale, blue or black. Their eyebrows are lush and bushy, often joining in the middle. The eyelashes are thick, oily and long.
Eye Diagnosis – health
Eye diagnosis help to assess physical and mental health:
- Excessive blinking indicates deep-seated nervousness and anxiety or fear.
- A drooping upper eyelid indicates a sense of insecurity, fear or lack of confidence, deranged vata.
- Prominent eyes indicate thyroid gland dysfunction.
- Pale conjunctiva indicates anemia; yellow indicates weak liver or jaundice.
- A small iris indicates weak joints.
- White ring around the iris indicates excessive salt or sugar intake. In the middle-aged, this may be a sign of body stress.
- The white ring is very prominent and very white in iris (especially in the middle-aged) indicates joint degeneration. The joints will pop, crack, and likely for arthritis and joint pain.
- Brownish-black spots in the iris indicate unabsorbed iron in the intestine.