Ayurvedic herbal medicines are prepared from plants, use of herbs to prevent and treat diseases and ailments or to promote health and healing.
Herbal remedies/medicines
A great variety of plants is the use for medicinal treatments, either the dried plant or a specific part of it:
- roots,
- leaves,
- fruits,
- flowers,
- seeds
It is generally formulating into suitable preparations:
- compressed as tablets or made into pills,
- used to make infusions (teas), extracts, tinctures, etc.,
Activities of herbal medicines often describe in general terms such as:
- Carminative - Inducing the expulsion of gas from the stomach and intestines,
- Laxative - stimulates evacuation of the bowels,
- Demulcent - having a softening or soothing effect, especially to the skin,
- Expectorant - Promoting the secretion or expulsion of phlegm, mucus, or other matter from the respiratory tract,
- Sedative - reducing or relieving anxiety, stress, irritability, or excitement,
- Antiseptic - Capable of preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms,
- Astringent - causes contraction of body tissues and canals.
Herbalists often claim that the mixture of multiple constituents leads to synergism between the active moieties. Similarly, many consider that since plants are natural materials, they are safer and will produce fewer side effects than synthetic drugs.
Are Herbal remedies safe? Remember that herbs are medicines, thus it has some side effects. Herbal remedies can also interact with other medicines you are taking. It is best to avoid or get registered herbal practitioner’s advice before taking herbal remedies, if the treatment is for pregnant women, breast-feeding mother, child, or older people.