Refined asthi dhatu (bone tissue) processed further by majjagni to form majja dhatu (marrow). The upadhatu (secondary dhatu) for majja is the sclerotic fluid in the eyes. The mala (waste products) are oily secretions in the eyes, skin & feces. Majja dhatu main function is to lubricate the body.
The Sanskrit word “Majja” means “marrow and nerve tissue.” It is soft jelly-like filling present in nerve channels, bones, and brain cavity. Majja dhatu means the entire nervous system. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. As per Ayurveda, both the nervous system and the bone marrow are homologous structures.
Majja dhatu – Marrow & Nerve tissue
Air & water element containing diet and fire (majjagni) build the tissue. Majja is responsible for the lubrication of the body.
Healthy majja dhatu produces soft, flexible physique & voice and strong well-developed joints. Psychologically have a love of learning.
For healthy majja dhatu, you need adequate air (such as leafy greens) and water (such as milk and ghee) element foods with adequate majjagni. Jatharagni and majjagni need to be healthy to transform asthi dhatu into majja dhatu. Mental exercise can directly influence Majjagni; more you do mental work stronger your majjagni.
Balanced majjagni with adequate air & water element containing diet forms nerve tissues that are healthy to maintain softness and flexibility.
How to evaluate majja dhatu health?
Evaluation of the health of majja dhatu is by inspecting quantity of morning exudate from the eyes. Vata dosha imbalance may produce dry and crusty eye exudate. Kapha dosha imbalance may produce large quantities of oily or mucous eye exudate. Pitta dosha imbalance may produce little oily eye exudate.
Inspection of the color of sclera is important. When vata dosha is in imbalance, the color of sclera is dark, dull, and gray. When kapha dosha is in imbalance, the color of sclera is dull white. When pitta dosha is in imbalance, the color of sclera is yellow.
Inspection of the luminosity of the eye is also important. When kapha is in imbalance, the luminosity decreased, cloudy dull eye, and process slowly. When pitta is in imbalance, the luminosity increased, deeply engaged and highly focused. When vata is in imbalance, the eye appears vacant, attention lacking and low interest.
Healthy majja dhatu exhibits a sense of fullness and completion. Deficient majja dhatu exhibits a hollow feeling of emptiness. Increased majja dhatu exhibits a feeling of stagnation comes with a feeling of fullness.
Majja dhatu vitiation
- Majja dhatu vitiated by increased kapha has an excess of low quality tissue formation that is denser and thicker resulting in slow movement of nerve impulse, reflected in mind as low processing of sensory information. Severe increase in kapha even blocks the nerve impulse movement.
- Majja dhatu vitiated by pitta results in minimal to moderate tissue formation, but efficient tissues that process information quickly. However, too much of pitta prone to inflammation that results in neuritis, multiple sclerosis, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease.
- Majja dhatu vitiated by vata results in irregular low quality and fragile tissue. But the reaction of the tissue are varying some time too quick (hyperactivity) and in other times too slow (hypoactivity).
Symptoms of increased unhealthy majja dhatu are excess sleep, eye heaviness, tumors of pineal & pituitary, body heaviness, sluggishness, and peripheral nerve tumors.
Symptoms of decreased majja dhatu are attention lacking, epilepsy, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, poor communication, difficult understanding, and other neurological problems.
Causes of vitiated Majja
Artificial stimulants, drugs, alcohol, smoking, marijuana, toxicity, unhealthy diets, leftover foods, and high vata lifestyle (dry foods, irregular schedule, lack of sleep, etc.).
Viral or bacterial infection, high fever, physical trauma, poisoning, hectic lifestyle, stress, conflicts, hatred, and unresolved emotions.
Proper Treatment of the Majja Dhatu
The best treatment for majja dhatu vitiated by vata is to increase the water element diet that has moist and oily quality foods such as milk and ghee. Milk should be taken warm with spices to help proper digestion. Add ghee to other foods or the milk. Also, you can include healthy fats such as bone marrow, sesame oil, and muscle fat. Majja dhatu herb combinations for vitiated vata are Ashwagandha & shankhpushpi and jatamansi & bala.
The best treatment for majja dhatu vitiated by pitta is to increase sweet taste in the diet to nourish and cool down dhatu. Additionally, you can increase milk and ghee consumption. However, you should not take sesame oil because it is too warm. Bitter taste has a cooling effect that pacifies Pitta, but use it with caution because it reduces the dhatu and aggravates vata. Majja dhatu herbs for vitiated pitta are Brahmi, shankhpushpi, kapikachhu, skullcap, vidari kanda, chrysanthemum flower, St. Johns Wort, and oat straw.
The best treatment for majja dhatu vitiated by kapha is to decrease the water element quantity in the diet. Bitter and pungent tastes help decrease water element. Increase the intake of raw vegetables specifically leafy greens. It is better to go on fasting with light vegetable juices with spices for several days to a week. Should increase physical activity. Majja dhatu herbs for vitiated kapha are calamus, bayberry, Tulsi, and sage.
Gentle physical activities such as swimming, water aerobics, yoga asana (gentle and slow practice), meditation, and mantra chanting can support overall treatment of majja dhatu.
Ways to balance Majja Dhatu
- For vata vitiation, you should get more rest, avoid stress, reduce travel, and establish daily routines.
- For pitta vitiation, you should get more rest, avoid conflicts/competition, and do fun activities.
- For kapha vitiation, you should be more active and less sleep.