Refined rakta dhatu (blood tissue) processed further by mamsagni to form mamsa dhatu (muscle tissue). Additionally, ligaments and the skin are upadhatus (secondary tissue) arises from the metabolism of primary tissues. The mala (waste products) of mamsa is excrement from the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and hair roots.
The Sanskrit word “Mamsa” comes from the word ‘Mam” means to “Hold Firm.” Mamsa dhatu means muscle tissues.
Mamsa dhatu - Muscle tissue
Earth containing diet and fire (jatharagni & mamsagni) build this tissue, air (Udana Vayu) initiates muscle contraction to perform work (expression). Earth provides the substance for the bulky structure of muscle, fire directs its focus, and air provides action.
Healthy mamsa dhatu produces strong muscles capable of doing more work without injury; psychologically strength, courage, fortitude, and self-confidence; conveys emotion and show expression through the facial muscle tissues.
For healthy mamsa dhatu, you need adequate earth element foods (such as grains, nuts, meats, and legumes) and adequate mamsagni. Jatharagni and mamsagni need to be healthy to transform rakta dhatu into mamsa dhatu. Exercise directly influence Mamsagni; more you exercise stronger your mamsagni.
Balanced mamsagni with adequate earth element containing diet forms muscle that is healthy and capable of doing more work without injury.
How to evaluate mamsa dhatu health?
Evaluation of the health of meda dhatu is by visual inspection of the muscles, ligaments, and skin. Additionally, inspect the excreta from the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and hair roots.
Well-developed muscles at the temples, forehead, nape of the neck, around the eyes, cheeks, jaw, shoulders, abdomen, chest, arms, legs, over the pelvis, and hands & feet joints. The muscle tensile strength is important and not the muscle size. Healthy mamsa dhatu capable of doing more work without injury. Healthy mamsa dhatu conveys emotion and show expression through the facial muscle tissues.
- Mamsa dhatu vitiation by vata produces low pain intensity with high pain sensitivity. Tissues surrounding the pain area is dry and cool to touch.
- Mamsa dhatu vitiation by pitta produces pain, and the tissue surrounding the pain area is warm and reddened.
- Mamsa dhatu vitiation by Kapha rarely produce pain, and the tissue surrounding the pain area is tough, tissue feels fluidic or boggy with limited motion.
Psychological signs of a healthy mamsa dhatu are self-confidence, courage, patience, perseverance, stability, openness, forgiveness, happiness, and a feeling of strength & vitality.
Mamsa dhatu vitiation
- Low mamsagni due to Kapha vitiation with adequate earth element containing diet forms low-quality bulk weak muscles and tissues. These weak muscles do little work proportional to their size. These individuals may have benign tumors, muscle tumors, and muscular hypertrophy.
- High mamsagni due to pitta vitiation with adequate earth element containing diet forms lean strong muscles and tissues, prone to inflammation. High mamsagni with inadequate earth element containing diet to sustain the muscles then the Agni begin to consume the mamsa dhatu, and there will be muscle wasting. These individuals may have tendonitis, muscular rheumatism, fibromyalgia, multiple boils, hemorrhoids, piles, cough, irritation in the throat, and snoring.
- Varying mamsagni due to vata vitiation with adequate earth element containing diet forms lean weak muscles and tissues. These individuals may have muscular tics, spasm, muscular weakness, fatigue, improper coordination, muscle twitching, and muscular atrophy.
Mamsa dhatu excess; Increased but unhealthy (impure)
Increased mamsa dhatu is apparently had larger muscle mass with thicker skin and ligaments. The chubby cheeks, lips, upper thighs, calves, abdomen, and penis. Typical diseases are swellings in the region of the neck and also small to medium sized tumors.
Disorders of increased mamsa dhatu are fibrocystic changes in the breasts, enlarged lips, enlarged cheeks & tongue, uterine fibroids, muscle flaccidity, muscle hypertrophy, the undue growth of muscle, and fibromas & myomas.
Mamsa dhatu deficiency
Reduced mamsa dhatu is apparent as wastage of the muscular tissues of the neck, abdomen, cheeks, lips, penis, upper thighs, calves, armpits, breasts, and around the eyes. Pinching pains and sore joints are quite usual.
Disorders of decreased mamsa dhatu are craving for proteins, emaciation, joints dislocation, fatigue, muscle power loss, muscle rigidity, atrophy, and muscle wasting.
Causes of vitiated Mamsa
Unhealthy food combinations, lack or excess protein intake, too much of meat & dairy products (acidic foods), lack or excess eating, old leftover foods, aged cheese, cold foods, old meat, deep fried foods, and eating meat or cheese late in the day.
Daytime sleeping, sleep deprivation, insufficient or excess physical exercise, physical Trauma, and diseases (such as Typhoid and Tuberculosis).
Proper Treatment of the Mamsa Dhatu
The best treatment for mamsa dhatu vitiation by Kapha is to increase the strength of mamsagni and lower the intake of heavy foods. Minimize heavy foods such as nuts, grains, meats & legumes and increase light foods such as vegetables and seeds. Additionally, increase the mamsagni by moderate exercise (aerobic), yoga postures (to improve flexibility), heating pranayama, sun exposure, and pungent taste. Hot spicy herb combination such as Trikatu is also useful.
The best treatment for mamsa dhatu vitiation by pitta is to reduce the strength of mamsagni and increase the intake of heavy foods. Reduce mamsagni by the intake of cooling foods such as milk, butter, bitter vegetables, wheat, and oats. Exercise should totally avoid because it increases mamsagni; however, after recovery from the inflammation, you can slowly begin doing exercise. Exposing to the sun should be avoided. Practice cooling Pranayama and yoga asana. Bitter herbs Kutki, Gentian, and Barberry help heal inflammation of ligament and muscle.
The best treatment for mamsa dhatu vitiation by vata is to stabilize jatharagni, mamsagni, and increase earth element rich foods proportional to the strength of the agni.
Ways to balance Mamsa Dhatu
- Doing Yoga, Stretching & other light exercises.
- Prefer eating a vegetarian diet.
- Regularly take amla preparations.
- Eating three dates per day.
- Take milk, ghee, cheese and other dairy products.
- Consuming Raisins, dry fruits, nuts, beans, and pomegranate.
Herbs useful for mamsa dhatu are Mustard, Cinnamon, Shatavari, Valerian, Jatamamsi, Bala, and Ashwagandha.