Refined mamsa dhatu (muscle tissue) processed further by medagni to form meda dhatu (adipose tissue). Additionally, sebum (skin oil) and the greater & lesser omentums are upadhatus. These tissues are the primary storage sites for excess body fat in the abdomen. The mala (waste products) of meda are skin secretions of sweat and sebum.
The Sanskrit word “Meda” means “Fat.” Meda dhatu means adipose tissues.
Meda dhatu - Adipose tissue
Earth & water element containing diet and fire (jatharagni & medagni) build the tissue. Meda is responsible for the lubrication of the body causes sudoration and a greasy appearance of the skin.
Healthy meda dhatu produces general elasticity to the body. The oily & pliable skin, supple joints (that do not click), smooth voice, and healthful vitality. Psychologically have frankness and friendliness to others.
For healthy meda dhatu, you need adequate earth element foods (such as grains, nuts, meats, and legumes), water element foods and adequate medagni. Jatharagni and medagni need to be healthy to transform mamsa dhatu into meda dhatu. Exercise can directly influence Medagni; more you exercise stronger your medagni.
Balanced medagni with adequate earth & water element containing diet forms healthy fat tissues that maintain elasticity.
How to evaluate meda dhatu health?
Evaluation of the health of meda dhatu is by visual inspection of the skin and hair. The skin and hair are neither too oily nor dry, and the voice is melodiously soft. Additionally, inspect the greater & lesser omentums.
Excessive meda dhatu reveals as the excess of soft tissue around the abdomen. Additionally, there is an excess of moist and oily skin & hair and the voice obstructed by oily phlegm. Individuals with deficient meda dhatu have minimal body fat that exposes the articulations of the body and the ribs. Dry skin & hair and deep cracks on the lips and tongue. Often voice may crack or may be piercing, whiney, or high pitched.
The rasa dhatu plays an important role for feeling satisfied; it is often short-lived. Healthy meda dhatu is a deeper and longer lasting satisfaction less easily disturbed. Psychologically meda dhatu plays an important role in our capacity to love and be loved.
Meda dhatu vitiation
- Meda dhatu vitiated by Kapha slow the neurological responses; so slow thoughts and the mind appears dull. The mind has attachment such as dependency, clinging, and desire. Their love becomes conditional and with deep attachment.
- Meda dhatu vitiated by vata or pitta (i.e. decreased kapha) fasten the neurological responses; so thoughts and the mind appears extraordinarily clear but fragile, irritating and agitating. The mind has fear, anxiety, or anger. Their love becomes difficult to feel when felt it is intense but fragile. They are easily hurt and difficult to recover from betrayal or grief.
Meda dhatu excess; Increased but unhealthy (i.e. impure)
People with increased meda dhatu is apparently have breathing problems, excess buttocks/abdomen, lethargy, sluggish metabolism, excessive Sweating, joint pains, hypertension, diabetes, excess thirst, sweet taste in the mouth.
Disorders of increased meda dhatu are diabetes, gall stones, underactive thyroid, fatty tumors, and low libido.
Meda dhatu deficiency
People with reduced meda dhatu apparently had sensation loss, emaciation, dry skin, and cracking sound in the joints.
Disorders of decreased meda dhatu are osteoarthritis, lumbago, overactive thyroid, osteoporosis, and enlarged Spleen.
Causes of vitiated Meda
Eating excess of Sugar, salt, dairy, cold drinks & foods, meat, fried foods, or water. Food lack in high-quality fats, unhealthy food combinations, artificial drugs/chemicals, alcohol, tobacco, steroids, and marijuana.
Sleeping during the day, excessive or insufficient physical exercise, typhoid, emotional eating, and stress/unresolved emotions.
Proper Treatment of the Meda Dhatu
The best treatment for meda dhatu increased by kapha is to reduce heavy foods and increase Agni to enhance fat metabolism. Minimize the intake of fatty foods such as nuts and fatty meats and maximize lighter foods such as vegetables and seeds. Best Agni increasing pungent followed by the bitter taste to reduce meda dhatu. Exercise, sun exposure, and saunas increase medagni and reduce the meda dhatu. Heating pranayama’s such as kapalabhati can reduce the meda dhatu. Chanting bija mantras such as ham, yam, and ram can help reduce meda.
The best treatment for meda dhatu vitiated by pitta is to reduce the strength of jatharagni and medagni. You can reduce the strength of jatharagni by consuming cooling foods such as milk, butter, bitter vegetables, wheat, and oats. Agni reducing taste is bitter that reduce medagni and increase meda dhatu.
The best treatment for meda dhatu vitiated by vata is to stabilize the strength of jatharagni and medagni. You can stabilize the strength of the jatharagni is by slowly increase the consumption of the water and earth elements containing diet as the Agni becomes stronger and more stable. Develop regular daily routines. To support and stabilize Agni take warm spices such as fennel, ginger, and fenugreek. Sour taste increases and stabilizes the Agni and nourishes your body. Sweet taste increased meda dhatu but should be taken along with warm spices to ensure strong Agni and to digest it. Practice alternate nostril breathing (pranayama) in proportion to the patient’s state of ojas.
Ways to balance Meda Dhatu
- Consume more fiber rich foods,
- Replace GMO with the organic foods,
- Always Use unrefined oils in place of chemically refined oils,
- Consume steamed sprouted Mung dal and steamed leafy vegetables,
- Exercise more.
Herbs useful for meda dhatu are black pepper, mustard, ginger, cinnamon, Guggulu, Aloe Vera, and turmeric.