Rakta dhatu is formed from refined rasa, the mala of the blood is bile. Healthy rakta dhatu make you feels energized with a passion for life. Rakta dhatu has a special relationship with the liver and spleen.
Rakta Dhatu - Blood
Part of the rasa dhatu forms its successor tissue called Rakta dhatu (blood). Rasa dhatu is having the property of water; it gains its color (red) from Ranjaka Pitta (Pitta subtype - hemoglobin). Ranjaka pitta resides in the liver and spleen provides red color to the rakta dhatu. The volume of Rakta dhatu (Blood) is 8 Anjali (8 times of liquid that fills both hands when joined). In the metabolism of Rakta dhatu, Pitta is the mala (excretion) produced.
Modern science described blood as fluid of life; it carries respiratory gasses and nutrients required for the basic life process. Blood is responsible for the sensation of touch.
Symptoms of pure optimal Rakta Dhatu (blood)
- Attractive complexion and glowing skin. Healthy complexion, feet & nails.
- Beautiful dazzling ears, face, tongue, nose, lips, and forehead.
- Normal functioning of sense organs and perception of objects.
- Good digestion and unobstructed intestinal movement.
- Endowed with health, cheerful, genius, enthusiasm, and kindliness.
- Have the strength to fight the pathogenesis.
- Energetic and active.
- It nourishes Mamsa Dhatu (muscle).
Vitiated Rakta Dhatu
Rakta dhatu deviation due to VATA causes – Anemia, abnormal pulse, low blood pressure, dizziness, vertigo, cardiac arrhythmia, and gout. Blood vitiation by Vata is reddish, non-slimy, foamy, and thin.
Rakta dhatu deviation due to PITTA causes – bleeding gums, hemorrhoids, bleeding gastrointestinal tract (symptom - black stools), hives, rashes, urticaria, and sickle cell anemia. Blood vitiation by Pitta are yellow, black, and take longer to coagulate (due to inherent heat -pitta).
Rakta dhatu deviation due to KAPHA causes – high cholesterol, high triglycerides, hypertension, and hyperglycemia (diabetes). Blood vitiation by Kapha is slightly pale, slimy, sticky and thick.
Symptoms of increased but unhealthy (i.e. impure) Rakta Dhatu (blood)
- Increased fire and the quality of pitta dosha.
- Feels warmer as heat builds up in the body.
- The body tries to release heat; one way is through the skin, this makes the skin redder.
- The body tries to reduce excess heat; thus, often experienced as an increase in sweat.
- Increased frequency of urination.
- In the beginning, the skin has a nice luster. But if the heat continues to build, rashes develop.
- Increased bowel movements and the stools become loose.
- Unremoved excess heat can lead to burning sensations within the mucous membranes and eventually inflammation & fever.
- Various skin infection
- Abnormal growth
- Red eyes, skin & engorgement of blood vessels.
Health conditions linked with increased rakta dhatu are
- Erysipelas (large raised red patches on the skin, recurrent disease caused by a bacterial infection),
- Abscess (swollen body tissue with an accumulation of pus),
- Syncopal attack (due to a decreased blood flow to the brain usually from low blood pressure),
- Gout (defective metabolism of uric acid causes arthritis),
- Hemorrhagic disease (bleeding),
- Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums),
- Enlarged Liver & Spleen,
- Hypertension,
- Skin diseases (acne, eczema, dermatitis, and rashes),
- Abdominal tumors,
- Jaundice, and
- Digestion problems.
Causes of impure blood are
- Sleeping during day time after drinking liquid or eating oily and heavy foods.
- Acidic foods such as Tomatoes, and Vinegar.
- Fermented foods such as aged cheese.
- Baking Soda.
- Toxins such as alcohol, nicotine, drugs & chemicals, pesticides, artificial Colors, and Preservatives.
- Hot Spicy Foods,
- Frequent Anger & Frustration. Violent Movies, Stimulating & Exciting News shows.
- Sleeping late.
- Excess exposure to the sun & fire
- Suppression of the urge to vomit.
- Exertion, injury, and heat.
- Taking food before the previous meal is digested.
Examine the health of rakta dhatu by seeing the complexion, liver palpation (for size and tenderness), eyes sclera (for red/yellow discoloration) and tendons palpation (also inquire about the history of tendonitis).
Symptoms of Rakta Dhatu deficiency
Deficiency of Raktadhatu (Blood) might be due to malnutrition and improper diet.
- Diminishes fire and the quality of pitta dosha.
- Feel coldness.
- Reduction in urine and sweat.
- Skin loses its luster; pale, dry, rough, and cracked.
- Coldness causes the body to hold on heat; this leads to constipation and reduced urination & sweat.
- Craving for hot spicy, sour, citrus, and iron rich foods.
- Collapsing veins.
- Become mentally dull, difficult processing and understanding new information; this leads to confusion and misunderstandings.
Lifestyle change to balance Rakta Dhatu
- Eat neutral-tasting foods and reduce spicy foods,
- Drink plenty of water,
- Take more Fruits & Vegetables,
- Don’t Skip Meals and maintain regular timings,
- Drink 1/4 cup of fresh Aloe Vera juice daily,
- Go to bed before 10 pm,
- Reduce Anger,
- Meditate regularly.
Herbs for Rakta dhatu treatment are turmeric, red clover, manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), and Amalaki (Phyllanthus Emblica).
Rakta dhatu cleansing herbs are turmeric, red clover, manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) are helpful. For anemia, take green vegetables along with Amalaki (Phyllanthus Emblica) can be used.