Kapha is a Sanskrit word “Ka” which means water and “pha” which means to flourish. Kapha comprises all our cells, tissues and organs as is responsible for maintaining structure of the body as well as keeping it moist and well lubricated.
The elements earth and water combine to form kapha dosha. It is the principle of stabilizing energy, governs growth in the body and mind, is concerned with structure, stability, lubrication, and fluid balance.
Ayurvedic Kapha Types
Five types of kapha dosha:
Kledaka Kapha located within the mucosal lining of the gastrointestinal tract. It provides protective lining to protect from the acidic (HCL) environment and other acidic gastric enzymes. Abnormality of this kapha leads to high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, and gastritis.
Avalambhaka Kapha located within the chest cavity nourishing the plueral of the lungs and the pericardium of the heart. It provides structural integrity of the lungs by maintaining the adequate smooth muscular tone of the airways needed for adequate ventilation. Abnormality of this kapha leads to wheezing, asthma, COPD, cough, and pericardial effusion.
Tarpaka Kapha located within the white matter of the central nervous system providing nourishment and protection to the brain in the form of cerebrospinal fluid. Additionally, in the form of myelin sheath of neuron it provides insulation required form proper neuro-electrical impulses. Balanced Taroaja kapha provides wellness and contentment within the mind. Abnormality of this kapha leads to debilitating neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis; increased secretion (in ear, nasal, eye), memory loss, insomnia, dry eye, and tumors.
Bodhaka Kapha located in the mouth in the form of saliva, which is liquid, sticky and sweet. It keeps the oral cavity moist, well lubricated, helps initial stages of digestion of simple carbohydrates, and supports the passage of chewed food to stomach with low resistance. Abnormalities of this kapha are receding gums, gum infection, and tastelessness.
Shleshaka Kapha predominately present within synovial fluid of the joints, nourishing the articular surface. It ensures lubricate, stability, and flexibility of the joints. Abnormality of this kapha leads to degenerative changes within the skeletal system such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
What is kapha, what it performs?
Kapha dosha is composed of elements earth and water. This dosha is responsible for growth and homeostasis of the body. It is produced in the body as a post-digestive product (a form of energy), and its quality and quantity depend on the food consumed and their proper digestion.
Its main working locations are the mucous-producing tissues and organs such as those in the chest and gastric regions, palate, joints, plasma and lymph. It provides body structural stability. It lubricates and moisturizes body tissues to maintain normal functioning. It renews old cells, heals wounds and contract corrosive properties of pitta and vata. Kapha on mental and emotional level provides calmness and steadiness.
Factor that disturb kapha balance
An excessive intake of food such as starchy, sweet, cold, oily or fatty foods will prevent pitta dosha from performing its normal functions.
Lifestyle factors that aggravate pitta include too much of sleep, lack of physical/mental activity, sedentary lifestyle, eating of cold heavy foods, and windy wet climate can lead to pitta unbalanced.
Unbalanced kapha manifestations are loss of appetite, dullness, pale body, fast heartbeats, labored breathing, nasal congestion, cold, coughs, sinusitis, pneumonia, asthma, rheumatic conditions, and the body becomes heavy, cold, slow and lethargic.
How do we reestablish kapha balance?
We can pacify kapha and bring back harmony by various means; they are, taking herbs, taking & avoiding certain foods, and making certain lifestyle change.
Below are the tips to harmonize kapha:
- Kapha pacifying herbs and spices are ginger, pippali, lavanga and haritaki.
- Enjoy foods that are pungent, bitter or astringent. Take foods that are warm both in energy and in temperature.
- Avoid foods that are sweet, sour and/or salty.