Reflexology therapy for the immune or lymphatic system strengthens immunity. It improves the ability to attack the disease-causing invaders (e.g. organisms and substances).
5 Surprising Reflexes to boost Immunity
The immune system protects against the diseases; identifying pathogens (viruses to parasitic worms) and distinguishing from own body tissues. The immune system uses leukocytes (white blood cells) to destroy disease-causing organisms or substances. Thymus, spleen, and bone marrow are the lymphoid organs; it produces and stores Leukocytes.
The immune system consists of the thymus, spleen and lymphatic. The immune system is set of cells, tissues, and organs; works together to protect the body. Lymphatic is the secondary circulation system (part of immune system); it help to protect, cleanse, and to remove waste products.
Lymph nodes are present throughout the body; but large groups are on the breast, armpit, and groin.
- The lymphatic vessels move lymph (a watery fluid containing protein, salts, glucose, urea, etc.) throughout the body and maintain body fluid level. It defends the body against illness-causing germs (viruses, bacteria, and fungi).
- The thymus gland is part of the immune system; its main duty is during infancy and before puberty. It controls the growth and development of a major part of the immune system.
- The spleen is part of the immune system; located in the upper left part of the abdomen under the rib cage. Major jobs of the spleen are white blood cells production and lymph fluid filtration. Macrophages in the spleen fight infection and protects the body. It destroys bacteria, dead tissues, and foreign substances; additionally, remove them from the blood.
- Tonsils consist of two glands in the backside of the throat. The tonsils and adenoids (nasopharyngeal tonsils) protect the entry of the digestive system and the lungs, from bacteria and viruses. Adenoid is a patch of tissue; it protects kids and they disappear after age 5.
Reflexes of the lymphatic system include tonsils, spleen, thymus, groin, and upper lymphatic.
Tonsil reflex point
Tonsils protect the entry of the digestive system and the lungs, from bacteria and viruses.
How to do reflexology therapy for the tonsil? Tonsil reflexes are above the transverse neckline of the big toe on the lateral side. Using the right thumb; hook & backup this reflexes three times.
Thymus reflex point
The thymus is a lymphoid gland consist of two lobes, located behind the breastbone in front of the heart. The thymus gland is closely associated with the immune system than the endocrine system. It trains and develop, important white blood cell T-lymphocytes or T-cells. T-cells defend from pathogens (bacteria, viruses, and fungi).
How to do reflexology therapy for the thymus gland? Thymus reflex is halfway between the parathyroid and diaphragm. Hold the foot with one hand; press & rotate, using another hand thumb.
Spleen reflex
The spleen acts as a part of the immune system; it helps fight bacteria causing pneumonia and meningitis. Old red blood cells are recycled in the spleen; also, platelets and white blood cells are stored there.
According to traditional Chinese physiology, the role of the spleen is nutrients assimilation and preserving physical strength. Spleen makes nutrients and Qi (vital energy) from the digested food. So, the spleen is considering as a digestive organ.
How to do reflexology therapy for the spleen? Spleen reflex is only in the left leg. Hold the left leg with the left hand; walk underneath the diaphragm line horizontally across the foot, using the right thumb. Walk each row below the previous one until four horizontal lines. Repeat twice. Reflexology therapy for spleen helps fight infection and destroy old blood cells.
Lymphatic reflex
The lymphatic system is a part of immune system.
Lymphatic system performs
- White blood cells transportation to the lymph nodes,
- Absorption of fatty acid,
- Interstitial fluid removal from the tissues.
How to do reflexology therapy for the upper lymphatic? Hold the foot with one hand; using another hand index finger, walk from the base of toes towards the ankle between the metatarsal. Repeat twice. Reflexology therapy for upper lymphatic strengthens the body's immune system.
Using the right thumb, walk three semicircular rows around the lateral ankle from medial to lateral. The first row is near the ankle; the remaining rows are one-step away.
How to do reflexology therapy for the groin lymphatic? It is on either side of the anklebone. Using the index finger, walk on either side of the anklebone in three rows. First row is near the ankle bone; other two are a step away.
Reflexology therapy for groin lymphatic increases the body's defense against infection and cancer. During menstruation, this reflex may be sensitive.
Lymphatic reflexology is useful to treat various conditions; Arthritis, Asthma, Eczema, Chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, ME, Sinus problems, Migraines, Headaches, Muscular tension, Aches and pains, and Premenstrual Syndrome.