The respiratory system is in the chest; it consists of the lungs and diaphragm. Left lung is smaller than right; thus, provides an extra space for the heart. Beneath the lungs is the diaphragm; a dome-shaped muscle, it works along with lungs during inhalation (breathe in) and exhaling (breathe out).
5 Vital Reflexes for Respiratory System
The organs of the respiratory system are the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Together these organs send air into the Alveoli; it is a tiny, thin-walled sac of the lungs. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide taken place in alveoli. Carbon dioxide containing blood reach the lungs to expel from the body.
The respiratory system make ensure the oxygen supply to the body cells; furthermore, removes carbon dioxide from the cells. During breathing; the respiratory system filter, warms, and humidifies the air. Sinuses influence the speech or sound production and sense of smell or olfaction.
Reflexes of interest for respiratory system:
- Nose - is within the dorsal aspect of the big toe.
- Throat (pharynx and larynx) – is in the lateral base of the big toe.
- Trachea and Bronchi – is from the base of the big toe.
- Diaphragm – is under the metatarsal heads (half-moon shaped diaphragm) from medial to lateral.
- Sinuses – is in the plantar aspect of the four small toes.
- Chest (Lungs) – is between the shoulder line and diaphragm line in zone 2 -4 of the feet.
The nose has two nostrils; air enters the respiratory tract through these external nostrils. It conditioned inhaled air; make it warm and more humid. Hairs inside the nose act as a filter; it prevents dust particles from entering the lungs.
How to do reflexology therapy for the nose? The nose reflexes are on the medial aspect; trace a line straight from the big toenail root. Hold big toe with the left hand; press & release the point, using the right thumb. Repeat this for five times.
Throat (pharynx and larynx)
Pharynx in the throat is part of respiratory as well as digestive systems. It allows air to pass through lungs (via larynx); additionally, it allows food to stomach (via esophagus).
How to do reflexology therapy for the throat? Neck or throat is on the lateral aspect of the big toe base. Thumb walk around the big toe base, repeats 3 times.
Lungs reflex
Lungs are on both side of the heart; it is soft, spongy balloon structures. Within the lungs, the bronchi divide into smaller tubes called bronchioles. It ends in tiny sac structures called alveoli. Here the exchange of gasses oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.
The lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system; take in oxygen when to breathe in as well as expel carbon dioxide when to breathe out.
Trachea and Bronchi
The trachea or windpipe begins below the larynx (voice box) and runs behind the breastbone (sternum). The trachea divides into two smaller tubes called right and left bronchi, one bronchus for each lung.
How to do reflexology therapy for the lungs? Hold foot with one hand; using another hand thumb, walk upward from the diaphragm line straight below between the big & second toe, second & third toe, third & fourth toe, and fourth & fifth toe.
For the proper stimulation of the lungs, thumb walks between the metatarsal. Repeat two times. Reflexology therapy for lungs help heal lung disorders and strengthen lungs.
How to do reflexology therapy for the trachea and bronchi? Trachea and Bronchi reflexes are from the base of the big toe until the diaphragm line. The bronchi reflexes are on the plantar and dorsal aspect of the foot; located between the first and second metatarsal heads.
Diaphragm reflex
The diaphragm is a muscular dome-shaped membrane; it separates the chest (thoracic) cavity from the abdomen. It controls the filling and emptying of the lungs. Contraction of the diaphragm muscle; expands the lungs during inhaling (breathing in air). Similarly, expansion of the diaphragm muscle; contracts the lungs during exhale (breathing out air).
How to do reflexology therapy for the diaphragm? Hold the top of the foot with the left hand; using the right thumb, walk under the metatarsal heads (half-moon shaped diaphragm), from medial to lateral. Repeat four times. Reflexology therapy for diaphragm helps in the treatment of anxiety, stress, and respiratory problems.
The sinuses main function is to produce mucus; it moisturizes the inside of the nose. This mucus layer protects the nose from pollutants, microorganisms, dust and dirt.
How to do reflexology therapy for the sinus? The most effective reflexes for sinuses is on the tip of ten toes. Using the thumb and index finger, apply pressure for twenty to thirty seconds. Do for one to three times every day. Although any discomfort, continue doing reflexology until the problem solved. Many people believe reflexology therapy is useful for sinus problems and congestion.
Hold the second toe with the left hand; using the right thumb, walk upward in the medial side to reach the toe top. Now change the position, hold the second toe with the right hand; using the left thumb, walk upward in the lateral side to reach the toe top. Walk upward from the toe base until reaching the toe top. Rotate the toe top, help drains the sinuses.
Do these to all the five toes. Reflexology therapy to this reflexes; helps drain the sinuses and strengthen it.