Reflexology massage therapy is a healing art by applying pressure using fingers (usually thumbs), on feet and hands (sometime in ear lobes) to activate reflex points of the organs in the body.
How Reflexologies make you healthier?
In Japan, there is a proverb
"The foot is the gate of ten thousand different illnesses."
Reflexology is the holistic healing massage technique that improve circulation, induce relaxation and enable homeostasis (remain stable). This encourages your healing systems to maintain wellbeing. This way thousands of different illnesses are expel out through the foot as exit gate.
Literally, reflexology means “Reflex” is an involuntary or instinctive movement in response to a “stimulus” or in the sense of reflection or mirror image. The reflexes on our feet and hands act as mirror images of the body.
As per American Medical Association, 85% of illnesses are contributing by stress and tension. Reflexology can induce relaxation and clearing this nervous stress and tension and induce self-healing.
8 body system Reflexology
Reflexology is massaging the foot or hand; it stimulate body organ reflexes. The eight body systems are Skeletal, Muscular, Neurological, Respiratory, Digestive, Endocrine, Genitourinary and Vascular. By balancing the eight body systems, it harmonizes the body and creating well-being.
This reflex point or area shows nerve ending of human glands, organs and other body parts in the feet, hand or ear in a three-dimension form. Right foot reflexes correspond to the right-side organs or body parts such as liver, gallbladder, and the front part colon. Left foot reflexes correspond to the left-side organs or body parts such as heart, spleen, and the end part colon. Outer foot toe-side reflexes correspond to the shoulder. Inner foot big-toe-side reflexes correspond to the center body parts such as the spine. Upper-body parts are close to the toes; mid-body parts are close to the middle foot, and bottom body parts are close to the heels.
People spell reflexology wrongly as reflexolgy, relexology, and refexology; also called as foot massage, foot therapy, and foot treatment.
Aim of Reflexology therapy
The aim of reflexology therapy is to restore healthy mind and body as quick as possible. Reflexology rebalances, clean, and renew internal energy, thus improves health and well-being.
Is reflexology real? How does it work?
Reflexology is a manipulative therapy; used alone or in combination with other treatments. It releases self-healing energy.
Does reflexology truly work? Can it heal?
- It stimulates 2,000 neurotransmitters and nerve ending, available between head to toe.
- Reflexology improves circulation by removing crystals such as uric acid or calcium deposits in the reflexes.
- By improving entire body blood circulation and energy flow, help efficient transportation of essential hormones, oxygen, and nutrients to the cells.
- Improvement in the lymphatic circulation, help expel waste products and harmful microorganisms and thus boost immune efficiency.
- It relaxes the entire body; thus, induce sleep and ease insomnia or other sleep disorder. This support repair and rebuilt organs during the night.
How do you use reflexology chart or map?
Reflexology charts are useful to locate reflex points of the body organs. Always follow your preferred reflexology chart.
Terminology used to refer reflex location:
- Dorsal is the topside of the foot.
- Plantar is the bottom side of the foot (sole).
- Medial is the center (middle). The reflex of medial side means the side towards the middle of the body.
- Lateral is the opposite of the medial.