Traditional Chinese Medicine is a TCM) is more than 3,000 years old. The treatment and diagnostic methods focus is to re-establish balance to the internal and external energies through diet, herbal, acupuncture, and breathing techniques.
TCM Introduction
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is one of the world's oldest forms of medicine practice originated in China, with a history of more than 2,500 years. TCM is associated with early Taoists and Buddhists; they observed energy within themselves, in plants and animals, and throughout the cosmos. They further believe in the natural order of the universe and the direct correlation between the human body and the cosmos. TCM is the main form of medicine in China today. TCM does not treat the illness alone, but the person with the illness.
TCM believes that the life and activity of individual human beings have an intimate relationship with the environment on all levels. It largely considers the philosophical concept that the human body is a small universe.
TCM treatments include herbal medicine, acupuncture (& acupressure), Qigong and Taiji. TCM evolved various theories, which include those of:
- Yin-yang,
- Five Phases or elements,
- Vital energy (Chi)
- Body fluid
- Human body Channel system - meridian,
- Zang Fu organ theory,
- Health & Disease in TCM
- TCM Diagnosis Methods
- TCM Treatments
The clinical diagnosis and treatment in Chinese Medicine have mainly based on the yin-yang and five elements theories. These theories apply the phenomena and laws of nature to the study of the physiological activities and pathological changes of the human body and its interrelationships.
Health in TCM
According to TCM, health means the body system is in a state of dynamic harmony is a equilibrium), both among the various parts of the body additionally between the body and environmental conditions.
Disease in TCM
The breakdown of the relative equilibrium within the organism or between the organism and its environment leads to disease. In terms of TCM, this is considering as imbalance between yin and yang.
TCM views not only the human body as a whole additionally, it also emphasis the unity of the human body and nature. Nature persistently influences the human body; nevertheless, the body learns to adapt to variations in the natural environment.
TCM holistic approach
TCM holistic medical takes into account physical, psychological, and social aspects as a whole. The TCM believes the body, mind, and spirit are fundamentally everyone are the same. To explain the oneness they put forward the three forms of water; water is wet in fluid nature, ice is hard and cold, and steam with its hot, gaseous nature. Even though they appear to be different, the molecules are the same in three different states. Similarly, body, mind, and spirit look different expressions of the same.
Qi is a Chi: The Vital Energy
In TCM chi is pronounce as chee, spell as Qi means energy. Chi represents an invisible energy flow, which circulates in plants, animals, and human as well as this universe. It animates the physiological functions, health and wellbeing of the individual. As per TCM energy distributes throughout the human body along the energy networks called meridians, which connects all parts of the body. Obstruction in chi flow causes various problems ranging from illness to social difficulties. Some common TCM treatments are diet, exercise, meditation, herbs and acupuncture to enhance or correct the chi flow.